Page 9 of Reckless Roulette
“You have other things to worry about, I do believe. Like someone out for your head,” Harker says.
“You said he’s the best you know.”
“I… did say that, but clearly, he hates you. The Len I know would never just… leave you to get the shit beat out of you. He hates you and… I can kind of see why. You’re being a dick.”
I ignore him and turn to the thirty or so people. “We’re going to increase security. Norn’s crew won’t damage the property, he wants control of it, so I’m confident that he’s not going to fuck with it too much. But he’s trying to back me into a corner until I have nothing left to do but sell. I need four guards on me at all times until we can find a way to make him regret even looking our way. We can’t allow him under our skin.”
Because I know there’s a reason he won’t just kill me. There’s a reason he wants me still alive. So I can’t cave yet. I can’t cave at all.
I turn to Harker. “Address?”
He flashes his phone in my direction.
Harker: Kade wants a word.
Len: A word? Sure. The word’s no.
Harker: I don’t think that’s the word.
Len: He wants another word or two? Tell him to not be a little bitch, the world doesn’t revolve around him. And, my god, stop being so angry all the time!
I smack his phone out of his hand. “I need a drink,” I growl.
I stare at the invite. It has to be the fourth one this month. Who the hell thinks I want to go to this thing? Do they not realize I’m a busy man?
Setting the comic book down, I sigh and tear the invite open while wondering if I personally told them to their face that I have absolutelynointerest in joining their stupid thing, they’d stop sending these things.
With the letter open, I find that it says the exact same thing as all the other ones I’d burned up:
You are cordially invited to The Anonymous.
We welcome you to enjoy a drink, play a game, find a job or two, and maybe even discover someone to pass the time with.
However, there are two simple rules: any form of violence, scrimmage, or heated words will not be tolerated, nor will any discussion of The Anonymous outside of its walls.
Disregard either of these rules and you forfeit your life.
If you think you can follow these guidelines, you are welcome to join us.
Your code is 8205. When you arrive at the Menagerie Hotel, present it to the concierge and you will be brought down to The Anonymous to mingle with the elite.
Mingle… with the elite? Does itlooklike I’m a mingler? I don’t drink, I’m positive the games they want to play aren’t something likeZelda, and what the hell would I need to find a job for? Jobs come to me, not the other way around.
Sighing, I pull on my gaming hoodie and decide that maybe if I just show my face and explain that I don’t appreciate them sliding sketchy shit under my door, they’ll stop.
I know where the Menagerie is; there’s probably no one in this city who doesn’t know where the grand hotel is that sits like a beacon in this dreadful city. The hotel has sat for many years as the city grew and expanded around it, darkness creeping into every corner.
When I reach the building, the valet is eager to take my car, but I don’t want anyone I don’t know in my vehicle, so I park it myself before making the walk up to the front door. Stepping inside the hotel, I look around in wonder and question who the hell needs so many chandeliers? I feel like they could feed half the starving children in the city by selling just one of them.
With a sigh, I wander in farther until I find a man who is blatantly eyeing me, like he knows who I am. I eye him right back as he waves at the elevator. So this is obviously the concierge.
He looks crazy proper and gives me a knowing smile as he waves a white-gloved hand at the elevator. “Welcome to the Menagerie Hotel. Please, allow me to guide you,” he says, and I feel weirdly disappointed he doesn’t have an English accent.