Page 6 of Rise of a Kingdom
A gasp leaves my lips, my mouth goes dry at the scene before me. I have never been kissed the way he is kissing her, never experienced that unrestrained passion. It looks like he is consuming her and she is in paradise. I should be furious, I should be running down there and stabbing both of them. How dare they disrespect me in my new home, on my fucking wedding day!
However, my feet remain planted watching the vision play out in front of me as if they have grown deep roots. They are so lost in each other and the lust between them that they are oblivious to me watching them. If I ever held the slightest hope for something more in my wretched life, the image before me just decimated all of it. This will truly be a faux marriage in name only. Jaxon thinks to humiliate me, by bringing women to the home that we share, unabashed and unworried about the consequences.
He might as well have just declared war with me. The sting of betrayal makes its way across my skin and my heart hardens further towards him. For every small sliver of rage that he makes me feel, for every hurt that he inflicts going forward, I will pay him back a hundredfold. I vow it to my soul.I will not allow any man to destroy me.
An emotion that I have rarely felt before rises as I continue to watch my husband kiss his gorgeous girlfriend with lustfulness.Jealousy. For a moment it rises within me and I wish it was me he was kissing with such passion. That it was me draped in his arms and feeling the scorching heat from his kiss. Then reality settles back in and I know that it will never be me. He doesn’t want me, just my name, wealth, and an heir. I am an ice queen and he prefers his women hot blooded, witless, and putty in his hands. I swallow down a fresh surge of rage and it burns and swells in my belly and courses through my body, reminding me that I am alive and still in one piece. This will not break me. I will not shatter at the sight of his disdain and obviously intended disloyalty.
A large bang emerges from somewhere in the house and must vibrate outside as Jaxon breaks the kiss and steps back from Kalista. His gaze rises over the house and meets mine through the large window, the bright light behind me doing nothing to disguise my presence. A look of shock crosses his features before he masks them. He steps back further from Kalista and opens the door to her vehicle, waiting until she once again returns to the driver’s seat. Once the door is closed, she braces one of her arms and head out the window. She says something to him with a smile that he doesn’t return before reversing and turning the car around and driving back down the driveway.
My new husband once again meets my gaze through the window before turning towards the front door of our home and moving out of sight. I brace myself for the interaction about to happen. I push down the feelings of jealousy and any other emotion other than rage and humiliation, allowing them to fuel me.He wants a war, I will fucking give him one.
It doesn’t take him long before his rapid hard footsteps are making their way down the hallway towards the master suite and he’s pushing the door wide open. He stands there in the glow of the hallway lighting, a well-dressed menace that just willingly inflicted pain on me without the slightest concern for the consequences.
“Wife.” He raises a dark eyebrow in question, and wipes at his mouth with his fingers, no doubt trying to remove Miss. Cain’s red lipstick.It’s too late for that fucker.Irritation pricks at me at the action. Does he think I am stupid? How about easily manipulated? I move away from the window as if to confront him. He braces his body as if in fear of flying projectiles.
Oh no, I have no intention of being one of those women that throws things and cries. Jaxon Stratford has no idea what I am capable of, but he’s about to learn that I can be patient and ruthless. He will pay me back in blood for that little scene on the driveway and so will his little whore.
I feign an unbothered calmness I do not feel and move further away from the window, taking a seat in the chaise, and pouring myself a glass of wine from the decanter at my side. I’m projecting the image of being unperturbed by what I just saw outside and his unkempt appearance. “Did you enjoy your wedding reception, husband?” I question with a haughty glare, raising the glass and taking a sip of the rich red wine. How I wish I was spilling his and Kalista’s red blood right now.Patience Stella, good things come to those that know how to plan.
“Our wedding reception, Stella. Despite your lack of appearance, it was quite enjoyable.” He strolls into the room, removing his tuxedo jacket and draping it on the back of a chair and taking a seat. His body slouched down and his legs wide open and bent. My eyes are drawn to the spot that Kalista was rubbing herself against on his pants and mercifully, there is no mark present. I’m not sure I could contain the anger thrumming inside of me had I seen a wet spot on the fabric.
“I’ll just bet it was. Did Miss Cain feel the need to continue the festivities?” I arch a dark brow, malice dripping from my tone.
For a fleeting moment I think I witness regret across his features before he schools them into his unreadable mask. “Kalista just gave me a ride home, someone took our limo.”
“How generous and kind of her.” I grit through my teeth. “Please remind me to reward Auggie, our driver, with the same reward when he brings me home.”
A scowl crosses his features at my threat. “Stella…it was nothing. Just two old friends parting ways.”
“Yes, well don’t part ways on my account Jaxon. I have no intentions of stopping you from being the manwhore you really are. After all, you will need to get your needs filled somewhere. It certainly won’t be here.”
He jumps to his feet and stalks angrily towards me. “What are you talking about Stella? You’re my wife. My needs will be filled by you.”
A snort leaves my lips and his words send both fury and heat down my body.His wife. His needs.“Yes, well you seemed to have forgotten you have one, mere moments ago, Jaxon.” I let an evil grin cross my lips. “Don’t worry husband, whatever you do I will follow your lead. If it’s good enough for you to do without thinking of the consequences, it is good enough for me to do too.” A smile graces my lips and the malice I feel towards him drips into my eyes.
He reaches down, grabbing my arm and pulling me to my feet, causing me to drop the glass of wine all over the cream area rug. Before I get the chance to react he crashes into my body, the impact has a grunt leaving both our lips. “You think you are so clever, my little ice queen. I wouldn’t make idle threats Stella.” His deft fingers slide into my darken waves and yanks hard, bowing my neck as a gasp of pain leaves my lips.
His soft lips skate down the skin of my neck and goosebumps erupt across all of my skin. A shiver racks my suddenly heated body as his lips suck hard on my pebbled skin, no doubt leaving a mark behind in his wake. For the briefest of moments, I want to give into the sensation and pleasure that he is creating across my body. Wisps of heat and shudders skate up my limbs, my core clenches in response to his lips sucking and licking my skin. I’ve never felt spontaneously turned on by anyone, never wanted to give in immediately into wanton behavior. Then my mind comes to a devastating halt and reminds me that not mere moments ago his lips were on another woman’s lips and it’s as if a bucket of ice-cold water is poured over me, welcoming me home.
I raise my knee hard between his spread legs and slam it into his cock, while digging the fingers of my right hand into his hair and yanking forcefully on the strands. My other hand wraps around his throat and squeezes, my nails digging into the soft warm flesh until I feel them puncture the skin. He releases a pained cry and starts to fall to his knees despite the hold I have on his hair which has dark strands ripping out in chunks between my fingers. “My threats are never idle Jaxon, you had better learn that now. Do not ever touch me, I am not one of your willing whores.”
I squeeze his neck once more as his fingers reach up to crush mine while he still tries to get himself under control from the knee to the groin. He’s breathing heavily and sweat has dotted across his forehead. His eyes are two twin pools of the darkest flint and the fury featured in them brings a thrill to my heart. “You’re a fucking cold bitch Stella.” He grits, pushing himself back to his feet while still cupping his crotch.
“I have never denied being one Jaxon.” I move further away from him towards the crystal candle holders on the console by the far wall. I need to get myself under control. His touch momentarily made me lose my wits and I cannot allow that to happen.
“I would like you to leave my room Jaxon.” I state with rancor, meeting his eyes with defiance.
“Our room Stella, this is our room now.” He stands up straight to his imposing six foot one height, yanking his loosened bow tie off and starts unbuttoning his shirt, heading in the direction of the walk-in closet. A sinister smirk crosses my lips as he opens the door and walks into the space. I hear him loudly shout, “What the fuck!” before he reappears in the room. “What have you done with my things, Stella?”
“My room, Jaxon. This is no longer your space. You have been moved to the west wing, as far away from me as possible. I will not share a room or a bed with you.”
He strolls towards me, his shirt completely undone and his large muscled golden skinned chest on display. I see the hint of black ink just off to the side, but I can’t make out what it is behind the parted sides of the shirt. His abs clench as he moves and have my eyes transfixed on the area that leads to a dark happy tail and a defined “V”.Fuck, he is a gorgeous specimen of a man; too bad he is the devil himself.“We’ll just see about that Stella.”
I reach over and grab the heavy crystal candle holder, brandishing it in front of me like a weapon. “Get out Jaxon. I don’t want to even have to look at you.”
“I could force you Stella, you know that right? This little game you are playing, there are no winners.” He stops before me, his dark gaze meeting mine. He bites down on his full bottom lip as he reaches out and trails a finger slowly down the side of my cheek. “How could something so beautiful be so disturbingly vicious?” His words are soft and a flash of heat makes its way into his eyes. I feel traces of fire everywhere that his fingertip has been.
I pull my face away from his touch, the effort harder than I would have liked, raising the candle holder between us, I make my intent to hit him with it present. “If you try to force me into anything further Jaxon, I will cut off your cock and make you swallow it before slitting your miserable throat. Get the hell out of my room.”