Page 7 of Rise of a Kingdom
For a moment or two neither of us move. The air around us ripe with scorn. He doesn’t look like he will back down from my threat and I start to worry that I may actually have to bludgeon him with the weapon in my tight grasp. My mind is a whirling mess of sensation and thoughts.Will he force me? Do I want him to? What will I do if he refuses to leave?
It’s not like anyone in this house will come to my rescue if he decides to be violent with me. He is a stranger to me; I don’t even know if he has violent tendencies and Mrs. Pox mentioned he has a temper.If he raises a finger to hurt us, we kill him. My mind screeches like an unhinged banshee. My hands are starting to get clammy holding the candle holder and soon enough I won’t be able to continue to hold its heavy weight at this angle.
Just when I think he is going to reach for me, he steps back, giving me a final perusal from my bare feet, over my body and to the top of my dark head, then his eyes meet mine once again before he turns and walks out the door.
The air that was trapped in my lungs finally leaves in a ragged breath and I lean my body against the wall behind me. I slide down the wall until I am on my ass and release my tenuous hold on the candle holder which makes a dull thud as it meets the floor. Trailing both my hands down my face, I wonder what I have just gotten myself into.
Is this to be my life now?
“Youth is a blunder; Manhood a struggle, Old Age a regret.” Benjamin Disraeli
FUUUCK!Mycockisstill throbbing from Stella’s hit. Fucking bitch!Who does she think she is moving me out of my own room? THIS IS MY GODDAMN HOUSE! The threats leaving her villainous lips only stir up my fury and my ardor more. The intensity of resentment scoring through my veins is close to exploding if this beauty of a bitch keeps this shit up. How can something so pretty be so fucking destructive and violent? She’s like a tsunami in her destruction, so horrifyingly beautiful you can’t take your eyes away from it and you wait too long to realize that she means to drown you in her depths.
The devious viper fucking attacked me and I just know she would have hit me with that candle holder if I pushed any further. My body is strumming with fiery rage, the desire to go back in there and wrap my tight fist around her swan-like throat and force her to her knees before me is burning in my veins. I want her to submit, I want her to acknowledge that I own her, every fucking inch of that delectable body and that ice cold heart.
You started it, by bringing Kalista here.So what if I brought my ex-girlfriend home on the day of my wedding? This is my fucking house, mine not Stella’s. Just like this house, she belongs to me now. She’s one of my fucking assets. I can do whatever the fuck I want. It’s not like Stella doesn’t understand the score, she’s fully aware of how our world works.I don’t owe her shit.Fuck her and her miserable coldness, even a chainsaw couldn’t cut through it. Thoughts run at rampant speed through my mind, causing me to yank on my own hair. Bringing with them fury, but also the sprinkling of unease. That’s not exactly true, I do owe her at least some respect, she is the new Stratford queen.
Did you need to hurt her like that? Be a fucking callous dick right out of the gate? As if forcing her to marry you wasn’t enough.I drag my hands down my face as I lean against the wall outside ofmymaster bedroom. The one my new wife has seen fit to steal and bar me from.
DAMN IT! How could I have been so fucking reckless? Messing around with Kalista on my wedding day right after Stella’s mom threatened to murder me if I hurt her daughter.Fuucckk! Stella’s mom is going to shank my ass.
How would you have reacted if she pulled that shit on you?Irateness and a ferocious fury fills my body at the thought of watching Stella cuckold me from a window with another man in my fucking house. I would strangle her. I would make sure she watched as I tore her lover to pieces in front of her. She’s fucking mine and I don’t share.
Yeah asshole, exactly!Is it a wonder, her reaction and the knee she slammed painfully into my groin? Fucking hell, she had every right to be enraged with me. I’m a stupid cunt, that does reckless shit with no thoughts of the fallout. A good man does not hurt his wife the way I have. I disrespected her in her own home by bringing Kalista here. A home she has been forced to.I am a fucking walking moron. I can’t even claim I wasn’t aware of what I was doing when Kalista cornered me outside of the country club and kissed me brazenly. I should have walked away then; I should have stopped it from going any further. Did I however, do any of those things?Nope, the fuck up that I am, I went recklessly forward into the abyss without a care.
My displeasure with Stella at humiliating me at the altar and leaving me to have to face all our friends and family alone, made its way to the forefront of my mind and I wanted to repay her in kind. My slightly inebriated state didn’t help matters either. It’s why I agreed to allow Kalista to drive me home, knowing we wouldn’t be able to keep our hands off of each other. Somewhere on the drive home, I actually forgot about my little ice queen waiting for me back at the Stratford mansion and the whole burden of the stress of the last couple of weeks began to melt under Kalista’s flirtations and wicked hands. Especially when those hands stroked and gripped my hard cock through my pants, making it weep and stand at attention for her.Shit, I almost had her pull over on the side of the road so I could fuck her pretty face.Thank fuck now, that I didn’t.
Shit, when that bang startled me out of my passionate infused drunkenness and I looked up into my wife’s arctic blue eyes, promising me a world of fucking pain, my stomach dropped and my body went ice cold. Even my breath stuttered in my lungs at the disappointed and hurt look on her face. The one I put there with my callous actions. How could I have allowed things to get so far outside of my front door in the house my new wife now inhabits? On her first night in this house no less.
I never thought about Stella actually seeing us, but I also did not discount the possibility. The truth is I didn’t care. I let it play out like the entitled piece of shit I am and now will have to deal with the fall out.Why do we care now?
The thought has me stopping in my tracks. Stella is not the forgiving type and I was already on her shit list for forcing her down the aisle. This one reckless action of mine will cause irreparable damage to our non-existent relationship. She’s going to make life even more difficult now. She will make sure I pay her for the hurt inflicted. Stella is a dark vengeful force, just waiting to be unleashed on the world, and the fucker that I am, I just gave her a target to aim at.
Her threats to repay me in kind for my actions skate across my mind. Would my little ice queen even dare? Would she allow another man to seduce her where anyone could see? Let passion ride her sexy little body as another man touched and kissed her? Just the thought has anger racing through me that has me seeing nothing but red.
Fucking hypocrite!My mind blares. A red haze slides across my eyes as my fists clench at my side.She is mine!No one will take my fucking prize, and I will destroy anyone foolish enough to try.
I continue walking down the hall towards the guest wing, cracking my neck, anger and jealousy riding me. Mrs. Pox climbs the stairs and as I meet her at the top, I immediately notice the look of disapproval on her features before she schools them away. “Mrs. Pox.” I nod towards her, but she won’t look me in the eye and instead looks over my shoulder.Fucking great!Is every woman in this house mad at me right now?When it rains, it fucking pours.
“Sir. Congratulations to you on your…nuptials. I hope everything was…to your enjoyment.” Her lips grimace into a straight line. I know she’s not thrilled with me forcing Stella to marry me. She refused to play an active role in my wedding because of it. The woman has been with me since I was ten years old and my mother died. She is the only real mother figure I have ever known; I can always tell when I have done something to disappoint her. Right now she doesn’t only look disappointed, she looks hurt and disgusted with me. The feeling of remorse crawls across my chest as I stare at her. “You saw.”
She releases a deep sigh, her shoulders slumping and her dark brown eyes meeting mine. I see a whack of emotions there, ones that cause my chest to tighten painfully. “Yes, Jaxon, all of us witnessed through the windows how you just humiliated that girl up there on her wedding day, after forcing her to marry you with that…that woman you brought home.” She moves to go around me and I reach for her arm. “Where are you going?”
She recoils back before my touch reaches her; displeasure evident in her eyes. “To ensure she is alright, in her new home, Jaxon. Something that you should have done instead of causing her pain. I raised you better Jaxon Stratford.” She turns away from me and stalks down the hallway towards the master ensuite. “You are in the largest of the west wing guest rooms, I suggest you make yourself comfortable. I don’t foresee you moving back to the master anytime soon.” With that imparted over her shoulder, she moves out of my sightline.
FUCK! Does everyone in this house hate me now?Mrs. Pox being ashamed of me is devastating. She’s right, she didn’t raise me to be this selfish, my father however, did. I grip the handrail tight, wanting to rip it off and fling it at the wall. I grab a painting off the light beige wall and throw it down the stairs, watching as it crashes and splinters, a priceless artifact destroyed much like my first day as a married man. I literally couldn’t give a shit what anyone but Mrs. Pox thinks of me. She has always been a constant in my life and strength at my back.What about Stella? Do you care what she thinks of you?The thought whispers through my mind.
No…fuck, yes. I should care what Stella thinks of me if we are going to build an empire together. How could I have lost myself like that in Kalista? I was reckless, led by my hard cock instead of my brain. I told Kalista yesterday that we were over, that once I married Stella that she would have to be my priority, at least until we had conceived an heir or two. That she should move on to someone else, someone that wasn’t trying to actively build an empire with another woman. That I would never be able to give her what she wanted because I was marrying Stella. Yet not even a mere twenty-four hours later I allowed her to give me a hand job over my pants in a moving vehicle and kissed her passionately in front of my new fucking wife and all of my household staff it seems.
I drag both my hands through my hair as I make my way down the stairs to the den. I need a fucking drink or maybe ten to get through what remains of this day. I am an idiot, a disappointment just like my father always claimed. I can never think clearly about the weight of the consequences of my actions. An attribute leftover from my spoiled, rich boy, motherless childhood.
The mere thought of how my father would be chastising me over my actions makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. He would no doubt be berating me endlessly with his loud voice about how my reckless actions may have just jeopardized all my plans and ambitions for the future of the Stratford empire. The empire he left begrudgingly in my hands, the heir he hoped to shape into an image of himself. Sometimes I feel like his ghost is trapped inside of this house, determined to haunt all my waking moments, and oversee all of my resounding failures as a man. At twenty-eight I should be wiser, more decisive in my thinking and more aware of my actions. I am no longer a school boy out there playing the field and making mistakes that someone else will clean up for me. My actions now are my own and they will have dire results if I am not careful.
As I pour myself two fingers of amber scotch, my thoughts return to the beauty currently holding court in my master suite. Her rage was palpable as was her intent to maim me with that crystal candle holder. I hurt her mentally and emotionally and she in turn inflicted physical pain on me.Fuck, that’s hot.That knowledge makes my already throbbing dick rise, causing a harsh groan to leave my lips in the empty room. My neck is still smarting from her tight grip. I rub my fingers over the punctures left from her nails and my fingers come away streaked with my blood.Fucking sexy, vicious cunt.