Page 46 of Just Mr. Love
“I’ve been a little busy.”Having lots of sex, getting nabbed by a chemist, and jerking off at my parents’ house.
“Well, no one is having fun right now. Though, Iamcrashing a super-secret end-of-LA party tonight. I’m bringing a news crew and reporting on it.”
That sounds perfect. “Can I tag along?”
“Maybe. What do I get in return?” she asks coyly.
“What if I told you that the mad chemist didn’t poison LA or anywhere else?”
She gasps. “You’ve been talking to him?”
“Do you have proof of what he’s saying?” she asks.
“No one is going to die tomorrow because of his drug. That’s proof, right?”
“Not really. The city’ll be up in flames before then. But why would officials lie about it?” she asks.
“It’s a long story, but what if I can get the chemist himself to give an interview and explain everything?”
“Ohmygod. Can you?” Luna sounds like she’s on the verge of a squeal.
Morris gave me a number where I can reach him. “I can try.”
“And all you want is an invite to this party?”
“I need you to be my date tonight,” I add.
“Yeah. And I need the world to see you and metogether.”
“Together how?”
“Kissing,” I explain.
“Tongue or no tongue?”
Uhhh…“I guess tongue? It has to look convincing.”
“I’ll do it if you tell me why. And I want details.”
I give it some thought. Just in case things go sideways on me, it might be good that someone else knows the full truth about what’s going on. The race to make more Huffs.
“Where do we meet?” I ask.
“The club is called the Randy Unicorn. Be there at seven. I’ll text you the address. Oh, and you’ll need a suit, but don’t worry. I know a guy downtown who can hook you up.”
Hands down, that was the strangest tailor shop I’ve ever been in. The tailor had this little white dog that kept staring like it wanted to eat me, and there was this huge moth that kept following me around, trying to get in my pants.
Anyway, I have my suit—black, sleek, fits like a glove—shiny black leather shoes, and a bright red tie with white and blue stars. Very patriotic. I feel like a million bucks, except for the fact that River is being held prisoner.
It’s what I’ve always feared: River being used as leverage to get to me. I just never expected my own brother to do the using.
I hope my plan to become a very public superhero works. Kyle needs to see that if he wants me, he’ll have to come for me. No more hostage situations. No more playing this game their way in the shadows. I’m making the rules.