Page 48 of Just Mr. Love
“Oh…that’s so, uh, great?” Luna’s face crinkles up. “And what about those kids from the university? Did you really sell them poison?”
Morris shrugs. “Well, not on purpose. I’m a chemist. Sometimes we get things wrong.” He scratches the side of his head like he’s working something out. “Oh, wait. That’s not true. I definitely knew they’d die if they stopped taking my drug.”
I’m pretty sure this moment has sealed Morris’s fate forever. The public will definitely see him as a terrorist, murderer, and psycho, even if he didn’t poison anyone’s water.
The interview wraps up, and thankfully, he leaves out the part about my sperm holding the key to how I was made.
After Morris zips away, Luna and her cameraman just stand there staring at the empty spot.
Oh! “I forgot to mention that Morris has abilities like mine now,” I say. “But don’t worry, it’s only temporary.”
Luna’s eyes go wide. “You’re telling me that crazy fucker can travel anywhere in the world in two seconds?”
I nod.
“I need a drink.”
I follow Luna and her cameraman into the event. The venue is spectacular with balconies overlooking the dance floor, gold inlay moldings on the ceiling, and lights everywhere. It’s noisy and packed, so we find a quieter corner to talk after we score some blue cocktails with unicorn straws they’re passing around.
I take a sip. Tastes like spicy bubblegum.Bleh.
“So how do you think that went?” I ask Luna, setting my drink on a small table in the corner.
“Best interview of my life. Honestly, I’m thinking I don’t need to cover this story about the party. I should be back at the newsroom, editing.”
“You’re leaving?” I ask.
“I need to get the word out that millions of people aren’t going to die.”
Good point. “You think the public will believe Morris?”
“I don’t know, but he was pretty damned honest about everything else. He’s crazy, but he seems truthful.”
She waves her camera guy over and turns back to me. “So let’s get the shot of you and me making out so I can get out of here.”
I bob my head. “Okay. Um…”
I’m about to ask her where she wants to kiss, when she throws her arms around me. Her tongue is so far down my mouth, I’m pretty sure she’s licking the blue stuff in my stomach. It’s nothing like kissing River, but okay. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.
She pulls back and smiles, her red lipstick smudged all over her face. She hands me a cocktail napkin. “Red’s definitely your color. I’ll post the kiss online in a bit. It’s been a pleasure doing business with you, Huff.” She struts out of the club with her cameraman.
I’m left there with a wet, red mouth, wondering if any of this plan is going to work, when my phone vibrates in my pocket.It’s Kyle.
He has no clue what I’m up to yet, but either way, I put on my game face. “Hey, I’m at an awesome party. Want to join me? So many hot girls.”
“Shut up, Huff. I’m not fucking around. River is—”
“You can keep River. I don’t want her. Haven’t you seen the way she acts, man? Totally crazy. I bet she’s been screaming nonstop for me, right?”
“Well, yeah, but—”
“Who knew she’d be so clingy after I banged her. Yanno? But women just can’t get enough of the Huff and my massive cock. Not that you’d understand,littlebrother,” I say, trying to throw him off his game. He thinks he’s in control.Not anymore.“Look, Kyle, I gotta go. Can’t keep the ladies waiting. Oh, but hey, I found out everything from Morris—all the lies and your plan to have him kill me from the start. And you know what? Don’t care. I don’t care about you, River, or anyone because you’re all just fucked in the head, and I’m a goddamned superhero. I have powers. I can go where I want, when I want, and no one can stop me, bro. So have fun playing your little games. I’m done. Oh, and Morris also spilled the beans to the news. In a few hours, the world’s going to know you took his sister and River as hostages, all to make more Huffs. They’ll also know you guys made up the poisoned-water story.
“So, basically, you’re fucked, Kyle. All those people who had their businesses burned down, all those people who jumped off bridges and killed themselves because they thought they were going to die anyway? How do you think the world is going to feel about the lives you ruined all just to trick me into being your prototype?”
“You have no proof, Huff.”
“Morris gave a public statement, and you’d be surprised how credible he sounds.”