Page 50 of Just Mr. Love
“Thanks. Couldn’t have done it without you.”
“How would you like another bombshell?” I ask.
I wake up the next morning on someone’s couch, unsure of where I am. Looks like a swanky house with colorful art, gold-and-white upholstered Deco furniture, and bamboo floors. I look down at my body. My shirt is off, and in its place, I’m wearing a black trash bag.Huh?
At least my pants are on. A good sign. To my side on the floor is an empty champagne bottle.
I sit up, rip the bag off, and hold my pounding head. My mind starts dishing up slices of last night’s fun. I called Luna and told her I’d recorded my conversation with Kyle, so she texted me a pic of her house and had me to come over. I showed up, and we listened to the whole thing together. She was so excited to have another juicy scoop that she wanted to celebrate. I didn’t object. Last night felt like a big win. My only regret was that River wasn’t there. I have to be patient and allow my plan to work.
Kyle won’t want to keep her now. He’ll want to distance himself from every accusation.
I squeeze the sides of my head again, trying to stop the pounding. “Owww…” I must’ve had a lot to drink if I’m hungover.
I get up to find a bathroom and pass the kitchen. I see five empty whiskey bottles on the counter next to my phone.
Now I remember. Luna and I were doing shots, and then she wanted to take a bunch of selfies. Then she asked me to take my shirt off, and she posted our pics online. I didn’t object—more proof to Kyle that Huffy don’t give a fuck.
“Hey…” Luna shuffles into the kitchen, looking like hell.
“Good morning,” I grumble.
“Nothing good about it,” she mutters and goes for her refrigerator.
“What happened last night? Besides the fact I drank like it really was the end of the world?”
“We didn’t fuck, if that’s what you’re asking.” She pushes her hand through the top shelf, looking for something.
“I wasn’t.” Though, she is beautiful. Athletic, petite body. Full lips. Big hazel eyes. Any guy would be tempted to make a move on her.
“You kept going on and on about River. I had to make you drink more so you wouldn’t start zipping around the Pentagon, demanding to get her back.”
“Wow. Thank you for that.” I completely forgot.
“Would have been a nightmare for you, considering what your brother’s trying to do. What an asshole.”
“Yeah. My parents aren’t so happy with him right now.”
“Your parents? What about you, Huff?” she grumbles.
“I’m not happy either. I loved my brother. I trusted him. But what can I do? He chose power over me.”
“Not justyou, he chose it over your life.” She grabs a bottle of green stuff. “Want some?”
“No, thanks.”
She shrugs and grabs a glass from her cupboard. “Anyway, we’ve got your recording going live today. By tomorrow, Kyle’ll be the fugitive.”
“I just want River freed.”
She fills her glass and turns. “But then what? I mean, what if Morris can’t find a cure for her?”
Oh. So I told her everything last night. I’m not sure that was a smart move. If word gets out that my balls hold the key to more Huffs, my boys won’t be safe.
“I don’t know,” I reply. “It would mean she needs myhelpto stay alive.”
“And if Morrisdoesfind a cure? Areyouplanning to take it?”