Page 51 of Just Mr. Love
“If you’d asked me a few months ago, I would’ve said yes. But these past few days, I think I’m starting to like the new me.”
“So you’d stay just as you are.”
My phone vibrates on the counter. It’s Morris. “Speak of the devil.”
I answer the call. “Hey. What’s up?”
“I got it! I figured out the missing component!”
So fast? “What is it?” I ask.
“I can’t tell you,” he says snidely.
“Morris, I’m not going to sell it.”
“But they might get to you. They could torture you for the answer.” Morris’s voice sounds a little odd. Frantic. Deeper.
“Morris, are you okay?”
“Never better! Stronger. Faster. More alert. But I do feel like killing someone. Is this normal?”
Oh shit.“Did you take the formula?”
“Yes. And my blood work proves it’s stable. I just have to figure out the correct dosage to maximize the effects without killing…killing…ki-ki—”
“Morris?” The call is still connected, but he’s not speaking. “Morris, if you can hear me, text a photo of where you are.”
“What’s going on?” Luna asks.
“It’s Morris. He took his new formula. I think something’s wrong, but I don’t know where he is.”
Luna’s eyes go wide.
“Morris. Morris!” I say. “Text me where I can find you.”
There’s no reply.
I look at Luna, who’s turning paler by the second. She knows like I do that this is bad.
“I think he’s dead,” I say.
“Dead?” She covers her mouth.
“Yeah, and he has the finished formula.”
“You mean the cure?”
“Not sure. Do you know anyone who can trace this call?” It’s a long shot because Morris is smart and wouldn’t make it so easy to find him, but it’s worth a try.
“I do, but it’ll take days.”
I groan toward the ceiling, still holding my phone to my ear. “Morris, you psycho fuck. Why would you take the formula?”
Okay, if he can’t text me, maybe I can take a photo of Luna’s kitchen. I snap off a picture of her refrigerator and send it off.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
“If he can still see, maybe he can get here.”