Page 32 of Primal Claim
Adam returned his attention to the man across the table. “I have… plans for her. The Omega.”
“Does she have a name?” Maddox’s dark brow arched. “Jim told me you were quite taken with her.”
“I am, actually. Her name is Chastity—but I seem to be using it less and less.”
“Oh? What do you call her then?”
“Slut, mostly.”
Both men laughed at that.
“Hi there, welcome to Le Main,” the petite blonde server said, resting a hand on the table. Her deep blue apron, slung across her hips, was stained dark with something wet and recent. She had a tiny gold hoop in her left nostril, which somehow set off the sea-green of her eyes. Quite attractive really, though her figure was far more slender than Adam typically found himself drawn to. The tart look wasn’t his go-to, but she did have a certain something about her.
“I’ll take the house pilsner, sweetheart,” Adam said, winking.
She froze for a moment, her kohl-lined lashes fluttering, then blushed slightly, forcing a smile as she realized who both of them were. “Oh… no problem.” She glanced at Maddox, then back to him. “Anything I can get you two… gentlemen to eat? Happy hour menu just started, so there’s, uh, plenty to choose from…”
“Nothing for me. Beer will be all.” Adam flashed her a grin. “We need to talk, cutie. No time for food.” He turned his attention to Maddox pointedly. “Now, parameters…”
“You sure dismissed her awfully fast,” Maddox said, looking off to his left, his eyes following the rapidly receding server as she fled their table. “Had her flustered. Too bad. Got a juicy little ass on her; I didn’t notice it when she first seated me. Oh, well.”
“Time enough when she comes back with my beer,” Adam said. “Parameters…”
“You don’t so much want to know what youcando. You’re more interested in what youcan’t. That about the size of it?” Maddox slowly removed his glasses, revealing dark brown, deeply set eyes. Those same eyes watched Adam intently. “Anything specific you have in mind?”
“Piercing? Tattoos?” Adam’s cock was already stirring at the prospect of this sort of conversation. “Marks?”
“Both are fine. Though we’re supposedto shy away from anything permanent, that’s… rather malleable. I’ve got a client who’s got a big farm on the outskirts of the city—rather impressive, actually—but he keeps his Omega as little more than a pack animal. Branded her at least twice? No—it’s three times now. Two small ones on her ass, and a bigger one across her mound. Quite pretty, but probably not exactly following the spirit—or the letter—of the prohibition against permanent marks. It’s not as if he’d be hauled in front of a magistrate for it though, even if his Omegawereto complain. Which she wouldn’t even if he allowed her to. She’d almost certainly be cited for wasting the court’s time, and be lucky not to see herself in a jail cell for a week or two.” Maddox took a drink. “She fought her Alpha terribly for the first few months, but has settled down quite nicely now. Pretty interesting case, actually. Older Omega, one of the oldest I’ve encountered—presented at forty-one—and yet still fertile. Quite a body, too, honestly. Anyway, Garron—that’s his name—is something like ten, twelve years younger than her? I don’t think he was even thirty when he first claimed her. But he is very,verystrict with her. Though at least now, he’s fairly good about entertaining visitors, letting people have a look at her on occasion. He started out quite jealous and possessive of her, so that’s a big change. Like I said, a rather unique… arrangement.”
Adam’s cock was an iron bar in his jeans at that imagery playing in his mind. More ideas.
“My dad… he told me a few things, of course. But this isn’t exactly a conversation one wants to have with his father, you know?”
Maddox winked. “Sounds like my dad. That’s why I do what I do. Give others the guidance I went without.” He cleared his throat. “This Omega—Chastity—does she respond to you? Sexually?”
“Absolutely. More than, well, more than even the rumors say Omegas are supposed to. But she fights it. A lot.”
“Would it be as fun for us if they just meekly accepted everything?”
Adam chuckled. “No… no, it wouldn’t. But I need to know the line I can push things to. And no further. I think I’ve got her quite a ways along the path, so to speak, but there is still work to do. I want to be as efficient as I can in doing it.”
“You know the laws,” Maddox said, sipping from his beer.
“I do.”
A huge truck rumbled past on the street behind them, the squeal of its worn brakes piercing the air.
Maddox wiped the back of his big hand across his lips, setting the beer down. “First, and most important, with an Omega. She must understand, right down to her bones, that she is now yours. No wiggle room. How you impart that is your prerogative—but itmustbe done. The sooner the better—for both of you. Second, the law is no help to her, and she knows that, but instinct is very, very powerful, and newly presenting Omegas, especially ones who thought they were safe from such a thing befalling them, have a difficult time acclimating to their new reality. Which is why it’s crucial that her Alpha make it crystal clear to her, in no uncertain terms, that this isher new—and permanent—reality.”
“Her body is mostly there, already. It’s her mind. It’s sharp, and clever, and strong. All good things, usually, but here… it’s making it harder for her.”
“You have some ideas of how to do that. But you’re not sure if they cross that… line?” Maddox laid a hand on the table, lowering his voice slightly. “As long as you’re not permanently harming her, it’s fine. In the case of strong wills, enforcing obedience, micromanagement, and deprivation of autonomy—in all facets of her life—are the fastest routes to taming an Omega. Most of all, you need consistency. Relentless, even remorseless consistency. If you set a rule, give an order, tell her to do something—even if it’s trifling—and she fails to do it? She must be punished for it. Everysingle time, without exception. That sort of discipline is exactly what they need in order to finally surrender to their fate.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem.” Adam rested his hand across his crotch, pressing against the aching erection twisted there. “I’ve already started some of that.”
“Good. It may seem paradoxical, but a big reason for the fight of an Omega is an instinctive need to probe your character, to determine the strength ofyourwill, to see if you’re made of what it takes to bring her to heel. Even if she may not want to be brought to heel.” Maddox nodded to his left. “Here we go.”
The server set Adam’s beer down in front of him, laying down a short stack of square white napkins next to it. “Can I get you gentlemen anything else?” Her voice was tight, and despite her nervousness, the twin points of her nipples pressed noticeably against the pink fabric of her top.