Page 33 of Primal Claim
“That’ll do, doll,” Maddox said, tipping his head. “We’ll need the check. I’ll take care of it. Oh, wait. Come here.”
Her mouth dropped open, but she moved over to his side of the table. He crooked a finger. “Closer. Want to tell you something.”
Haltingly, she bent down, so that he could murmur at her ear. Maddox gave Adam a mischievous wink just before he began speaking to her in muffled tones he couldn’t quite make out. As Maddox told her whatever it was he wanted to impart, his hand slid off the table to stroke and gently squeeze her thigh. She made zero move to stop him. As he continued murmuring to her, she nodded twice, then shook her head once, her hand coming to her mouth at one point.
Then she straightened, gazing down at Maddox, her face beet red, eyes wide. “Okay. I… yes, I’d… I’d like that. I mean… I will.” Then she spun on her feet so fast, she stumbled, and made a hasty retreat back the way she’d come.
“Looked like she’s seen a ghost,” Adam said, taking a long drag from his beer. It was cold, crisp, and tasted unbelievable.
Maddox glanced one last time toward her just before she dipped back inside the restaurant. “Told her I know she knows what I am, and that I like that she’s a tiny bit afraid. That I could smell her cunt dripping into her panties, and see those stiff nipples of hers begging for pain. That her juicy little ass was going to be bouncing on my palm tonight until she was crying—and then it’ll be bouncing on my cock when I’m done with her lesson. That when she brings the bill, she’s to include her number, and to make herself ready for me tonight just as soon as she gets home.”
Adam shook his head, smiling at Maddox. “She never had a chance, did she?”
Maddox held up his glass. “And she liked it that way.”
“Chastity isn’t nearly that easy.” Adam didn’t say that ruefully, either. He really did like her spirit and her strength. It made her more challenging, and it gave him that much more satisfaction in conquering it. But he wanted to ensure that it was indeed conquering it, rather than crushing it…
Dim it a bit? Mold it? Use it against her? Yes—all of the above.
But he never, ever, wanted to extinguish that fire in her entirely.
That firewasChastity. And it made taking possession of her, in every way, all the sweeter for him.
“Let’s drink,” Maddox said. “Then we can go pay a visit to your stubborn little Omega.”
Adam was pleased to find her exactly as he’d instructed when they walked through her door. Her apartment was blessed with oversized plate glass windows that ran nearly floor to ceiling. The afternoon sun washed the entire living room in bright, dazzling light.
Those same rays fell upon Chastity’s bottom, encased in a tight black skirt—no doubt the same one she’d been wearing to work that day—which highlighted the broad roundness of the woman’s hindquarters. She was blessed in that department, above all others, and he looked forward to seeing it fill out still further.
Not now, Adam.
She knelt upon her plush sofa, her ass pointed directly toward the door—also as ordered. Though he’d previously told her to be ready such that this was the sight presented to them as they emerged into her home, he hadn’tstipulated how early before their arrival she was to assume the position.
She was wearing stockings, which he found an odd choice, considering the warmth of the weather, but there was no doubt they looked gorgeous on her long legs.
Her shoes were still on, a mid-rise open-toe heel in a subtle charcoal color, the spikes jutting back toward them, her feet primly together beneath her buttocks. Her white blouse was stretched in that prostrated position, snug along the firm line of her back, the hint of a bra strap just visible under the fabric.
He frowned at that. He’d be addressing thatlittle defiance later, it seemed.
She rested her head upon her folded arms, her long hair loose, trailing down and off her right shoulder.
“Is the Omega always this… obedient?” Maddox drawled as he strolled around the expanse of the tastefully decorated living space.
“She’s getting there,” Adam said coolly. His irritation at her disobeying him was growing by the minute. And he wasn’t entirely sure why. He would have to sort that out—after he’d sortedherout.
“Let’s get her up then. I’d like to have a look at her, if you don’t mind.” Maddox sauntered slowly back around the sofa, having explored the kitchen and breakfast nook Chastity had converted into a mini-office. It seemed like the man wanted to make sure he occupied every part of her everyday living space, something which Adam—surprisingly—found perfectly understandable.
There was however, zerochance he was going to let Maddox tour her bedroom. But as long as he didn’t push the envelope overmuch, Adam was content to let him do what he needed to. Within reason.
Yes, he wasn’tparticularly keen on having another male in this apartment with her, but in this instance the upside overruled his possessiveness when it came to the girl. He stood to learn a thing or two here, and considering how challenging he suspected Chastity still might be once things progressed as he anticipated they would, he was likely to need all the help he could get. Just in case.
His visitor stood to one side, arms casually folded at his chest, looking down upon the waiting Chastity. His mouth was a thin line, his expression neutral, impassive. The intensity in his gaze told Adam all he needed to know though.
Maddox liked what he saw.