Page 17 of Cruz: Skin Deep
Eden had been enjoyingthe ride, looking around at mostly trees and long stretches of road ahead. She noticed a Harley following when she’d look back a few times. “Is that one of your guys behind us?” Eden asked Cruz. Cruz had gotten Eden a Bluetooth intercom connected helmet so they could talk to one another on the ride.
Cruz was riding at the back of the pack, so he knew the answer to that without looking. “Nah, we’re last in line,” he told her.
“Well, someone has been following for a while now. I noticed since I’ve been looking around. Maybe he’s someone you know that left late.”
Cruz slowed and checked his mirrors. If it was just another rider, they’d probably pass him, but he could see now that the other rider had slowed down too. He was keeping his distance.That’s strange.
Cruz dropped back from the pack, then he told Eden, “I don’t know who it is, but we’ll catch back up and keep an eye on him. We’ll be stopping for a rest soon anyway.”
“OK. I’m kinda like that,” she said. “Always noticing things. That’s why I’m good at my job.”
“Which is?” he asked.
“Accountant,” she said. She heard him whistle lightly and she laughed. “You need your taxes checked?” she asked.
“Nope. Don’t pay any,” he told her. He heard her say, “Oh,” so he added, “Until the end of the financial year.”
“Hmm…nice catch,” she said. She wasn’t sure whether he’d been joking or not. Even with the headset, it was a little hard to hear sometimes…especially when he was accelerating.
* * *
Shit,I hope he’s not onto me.Cruz had slowed and sped up three times now, and Brian had to do the same so as not to pass him. He decided that he would stop off once he found somewhere to get gas and food and try to catch up again later.
He only had to ride a few more miles when he saw the next exit and he turned off. He looked at his phone and saw he’d missed seven calls… six from Jimmy and one from Bo.
He rang Bo first. “Whatsup, bro?”
“Fuck, man… Jimmy’s been calling, wondering why the fuck you’re not answering your phone. He’s pissed. I told him I hadn’t heard from you. I don’t think he believed me. What the fuck’s going on?” Bo said.
“I wanted to get to Cruz before Jimmy. I’ve been following the Jokers… I think they’re heading to Baton Rouge. They might be onto me though.”
“How so?”
“Cruz slowed at least three times…I’m sure he was giving me the op to pass him. I didn’t think anything of it the first time, but when he did it again, I had to wonder. When he did it the third time, I decided I needed to stop off so they wouldn’t be suspicious. I don’t know why he’d imagine I would be following him. I guess the Jokers are all just generally suspicious of everyone. I know I would be if I’d killed someone and gotten away with it.”
“So, what’s your plan?” Bo asked.
“I told Jimmy I think they’re heading to Baton Rouge. That wasn’t a lie. I'm hoping he’s far enough behind for me to be able to kill Cruz and get the hell out of there before Jimmy arrives. But I’m not sure how I’m going to do that, since Cruz is riding in the pack. And he’s got a bitch on the back. I know the Jokers will be carrying, so I’m gonna have to come up with a better plan to get out of there alive.”
“I’ll just tell Jimmy that I haven’t heard from you, but keep me posted, man. And be safe,” Bo said.
When Brian ended the call, he decided he had no option but to call Jimmy. “Hey, Jimmy, are you making good time?” Brian said.
“I’ve been fucking ringing you,” Jimmy yelled.
“Yeah, I know, but I’ve been tracking the Jokers and I didn’t get a chance to call you back. I don’t want us to lose them,” he said. He could hear the road noise as Jimmy was talking over the line. He knew he was driving and would catch up eventually.
“So, you’ve seen them? You’re following them?” Jimmy said.
“Yeah, yeah. They were just up ahead. I’ve been following them for miles.”
“And you’ve stopped somewhere?” Jimmy asked.
“I had to. I think Cruz thought I was following him, so I stopped off and I’ll head on through to Baton Rouge soon. If they stop there, I’ll see where they’re staying. If they’re carrying on, I’ll have to work something else out.”
“Well, they’re not going to recognize my truck when I get there so you keep on them and when I get there I’ll take over.”
Like fuck.“Yeah, sure, Jimmy. Look forward to you seeing ya.” Jimmy ended the call.