Page 18 of Cruz: Skin Deep
Brian pulled out into the traffic and headed for Baton Rouge. The Jokers were out of sight…he had to hope his instincts were good.
Cruz and Edenwere the only ones booked on the last ride of the day on the airboat. The driver asked if they were up for a little more fun than they’d booked for…to which they both agreed. They were on the smallest boat. It only had seating for four, plus the driver, who sat up high behind them, with the giant blade that would power them down the swamp at the back of his seat.
After cruising over the smooth waters and showing them the usual sights, he went a little deeper exploring the swampland before coasting down the grassy waterways and past the moss-covered cypress trees.
Even at that time of the day, Eden had to admit it was kinda spooky. As they cruised slowly through the tree-lined waters she spotted a few gators that the tour boats would have stopped to feed earlier.
The driver shut off the engine and stepped down to the front of the boat with a bucket and stick in his hand. There was a gator coming up out of the murky water before he’d even had time to get his snack ready to eat.
The driver put the food on the end of the stick and handed it to Eden. “Keep your hand up near the deck and get ready to pull back quickly if he tries to bite your arm off.”
She looked like she’d seen a monster from the depths. Her eyes had popped open, and her mouth was hanging open too.
The driver started laughing, and she realized he was just trying to frighten her, so she took the stick and held it out in front of her. The gator came up slowly out of the water to take the food.
She couldn’t stop smiling, and neither could Cruz as he looked at the woman he was falling for…fast.
“Are you ready?” their driver said. Eden nodded, but Cruz was too busy looking at her pretty face to reply. “Hang tight.” The driver pulled his earmuffs down and they did the same with theirs. Then he gunned the 600-horsepower engine and the big blade whirred into life as the boat launched itself forward like it was ready to fly.
As they sped down the open waters at full noise, Eden held her arms up wide and closed her eyes. Her beautiful hair was blowing wild, and the wind had pressed her t-shirt hard up against her chest. Once again Cruz was too busy looking at her to take in any other scenery. He was thinking about stripping those clothes of hers off and ravaging her body. He’d never felt this way about anyone in such a short time. There was just something about her…like a big fucking magnet to his heart.
The driver did some big sweeping turns and Eden was squealing and laughing. She was really letting loose.
An hour and a half after they’d stepped onto the boat they were pulling back up to the levee.
“That was so much fun,” Eden said. She didn't need to tell Cruz that… It was written all over her face.
He’d been watching her lips as she said it, and when he lifted his eyes up to hers, they both stood silent for a few seconds… Neither one of them wanting to make the first move.
Finally, she stepped forward and placed her hands on either side of his face and kissed him on the lips.
He didn’t want it to end. He put his arm around her back and one hand behind her neck and pulled her in tighter as she opened her mouth, and he slipped his tongue inside. He could feel his cock swelling in his pants and he didn’t give a damn who saw.
Eden had moved her thigh between his legs, and she was pushing it up against the bulge in his pants. He felt like he was going to offload in his boxers right there in front of the driver and the few people who were sitting in the bar drinking.
When they finally peeled their mouths off one another they heard the driver say, “It does that.”
They both turned to look at him, and he said, “The thrill of the ride.” They both smiled at him, and he added, “You make a good-looking couple.”
That got a rise out of the eyebrows of both of them. They looked back at one another again and smiled, before Cruz said to Eden, “A beer?”
“Please.” Her mouth had suddenly gone dry…even though her panties felt wet.What the hell am I doing already?She hadn’t dated anyone since her husband had left her. She was too afraid that every man would treat her the same way…but Cruz seemed unlike anyone she’d ever met. And that made all ofthis…so much scarier.
They went into the bar and looked for the best seat…one near the window that looked out over the water. Cruz caught the eye of an old fisherman, who held up his glass and gave him a head nod. Cruz picked a table a few feet away. He wanted to talk to Eden and not a stranger, who looked like he was up for a fishing tale or two.
They ordered one beer each and the waitress asked them if they’d like something to eat.
“Thanks, but we’ll grab some snacks on the way out. We’re meeting friends in Lake Charles, and they’ll be wondering whether we got eaten by a swamp monster.”
She laughed, and as she walked past the jukebox, she pushed a button and seconds later Jim Stafford was singing about Black Water Hattie. If there was ever a place to listen toSwamp Witch, it was right there on the levee with a woman who was so stunning it was scary.
“What are you thinking?” Eden asked Cruz.
He didn’t answer her immediately. He just kept staring intently into her eyes. She held his gaze and didn’t say a word before bringing her bottle up to her lips and taking a sip of the ice-cold beer. Finally, he said, “I think there are as many secrets inside there,” he tapped the side of his head then pointed towards hers while looking into her eyes, “as there are out there in the bayou.” He rested his head on his hand with his elbow on the table and waited for her to say something.