Page 3 of Turned By The Pawn
“Yes,” I say as I turn to leave out the back door. I pull the door open and peer back over my shoulder to face him only to find his eyes glued to my ass.Men.“We leave in an hour. Be out front and don’t be late. You won’t get this chance again.” I don’t wait for a reply as I close the door behind me.
* * *
I’m packing all the files and papers that I’ll need while I’m staying at the house. I normally stay at my apartment down the road. With Vlad being out of the country, it means I need to be under protection. All that means is I get shipped to his house, which is in the middle of nowhere, with three or four guards. Vlad doesn’t give a fuck about me—never has and never will. The only reason I’m still alive is because he thinks he can use me to get Katarina back. I paid the price for her freedom, still am, but knowing that he can’t use her against me or sire another heir makes this all worth it.
“The car is ready.” I look up from my desk and nod to Krill. He may look harsh and fucking scary but the truth is, he has saved my ass countless times. Krill isn’t like most of the others. He doesn’t enjoy hurting women or killing. He only does it because there is no way out of the Bratva—death is your only escape from this life.
“I’ll be out in a minute.” Krill nods as he closes the door. I gather everything I will need to work from Vlad’s. Everyone thinks being the Pakhan’s daughter I have it easy, I really fucking don’t. I handle all his books and oversee his accounts. If there is any error with his money it’s me that is in the firing line. Vlad only cares about money, power and hurting his enemies.
I head out of my office–if you could call my Harry Potter sized room an office. It’s so fucking tiny all that’s in there is my desk, chair and printer. The filing cabinets are in Ivan’s office and I avoid going in there as much as I can. I hate my piece of shit uncle and I hate that I’m the one that is always tasked with cleaning up his fucking messes. I lock my door behind me and hope like fuck Ivan is gone already, heading toward the exit ready to flee this place.
“Anya!” I freeze, of course I’m not that lucky.
“Da?” I answer as I keep my gaze on the door in front of me. Ivan is a sleazy pig and the fact we share blood doesn’t stop him from making lewd remarks or looking at me like he wants a taste.
“You gonna be lonely out there by yourself?” I shiver but not in a good way. I feel him getting closer and brace myself for his unwanted touch. He grips my waist in a punishing hold. I fight the flinch that wants to break free. Ivan loves it when girls fight back, he’s a sick fuck. He plasters himself against my back making sure I can feel how hard he is, and I fight the urge to gag, knowing all it will do is entice him to keep chasing after me. “I could tell your father you need me.” A shudder tears through me when he licks the back of my neck. I try to pull free but his hold on me tightens and turns to bruising.
“Your car is waiting.” I snap my gaze to the side and see Gage standing there with a blank look on his face. He’s trying to shield his anger but I can see it in his eyes. Ivan thrusts his hips once more before stepping back, and I sigh in relief. I nod to Gage to lead the way. He pushes the door open for me and I don’t wait around and get the hell out of here. Gage places a hand on the small of my back and leads me toward the car that is idling at the curb. I don’t smack his hand away when I know I should because people can see. The truth is, I like the feeling of his hand on me.
I sit in the backseat beside her while the two others that stay at the hostel with me drive and ride shotgun. I’ve been informed that Krill will be joining us later this evening at the house. None of us have been told where we are going and just to follow the GPS. Anya sits there with her head resting against the glass. I have no idea who the fucking old ass creep was with his hands on her but I could tell from how still she was, and the look of disgust on her face, that his touch wasn’t welcomed.
It was by pure chance I stumbled upon them. I had to take a piss so I rushed back inside and that’s when I saw her as I came out of the bathroom. I peer over at her from the corner of my eye and really take the time to look at her. She puts on a brave face but I can see there is so much she holds back. Is it because of fear? Fuck, does she fear her father or is she just a spoiled brat and angry because daddy said no to buying her a new Bentley? I don’t like the idea of using her but right now, she is my only choice to get the information I need to take down her father. If it’s a choice between using her or saving my family, there is no choice. She will be the first to go.
I try to take in my surroundings so that if I needed to, I can find my way back here. It’s too dark out and not enough street lights on the back road for me to keep track. Each time I shift to get a glimpse at the GPS the fucker riding shotgun moves to block me, which just proves that they are here to spy on me. I need to remember that while I’m scoping out the house. I managed to race back to the hostel and grab my shit. I cleared everything out in case they toss the room while we are away. I can’t leave anything to chance, too much is riding on me to fuck this up. Her phone rings, pulling me from my thoughts. She fishes it out of her purse and answers it.
“What?” Her tone is curt and swift. She listens intently for a moment before her face morphs into annoyance. She begins to speak in Russian but it’s too quick for me to understand everything she is saying. Whatever it is has clearly pissed her off. “I’ll find someone,” she snaps in English before ending the call. “We need to head back to the Den, turn around,” she snaps.
The driver spins the car around without question and does as she orders. I have no idea what the Den is. From the look in her face, it isn’t a place she likes to visit which tells me it’s somewhere I need to check out.
* * *
We pull outside what appears to be a nightclub on the outskirts of town. Unlike the club I have been working at, this one doesn’t have a line or cars lining the street. It looks abandoned, the neon sign above the door reads Den. It flickers and looks like it’s about to blow out.
“Park around back,” Anya snaps. I peer over at her and notice she is more tense than before and a mask of indifference has slipped into place. We pull around the back to park and that’s when I see all the cars. What the fuck is this place? We find a place to park and climb out. Anya heads straight to the trunk and pops it. She digs through her bag and grabs a few items of clothing before closing it again. She nods to the two fuckers and they lead the way—the fact they know where to go and how to get here proves to me that they are spying on me for intel.
I walk beside Anya, making sure to keep an eye out around me, this place should be easy enough to find again if I needed to. The closer we get to the door, I begin to hear the bass of the music and the roar of the crowd. I keep my face void of emotion as I feel Anya’s gaze on me. The dimly lit back door is old and rusted with bits of paint peeling off it. Photos from google show Russia being beautiful and majestic but so far, the parts I have seen are anything but. Just as one of the dicks goes to grab the handle of the door, he stops when Anya speaks up beside me.
“Alexi, you man the door from the inside and Vor, you will accompany me and Gage to the back to prepare. Once it’s over, we leave without delay.” So that’s their names, good to know. Each of them nod before Alexi pulls the door open for us. I pause when the sounds of a cheering crowd hits me, they’re so loud the sound of them overpowers the music. I follow after Anya and Vor while Alexi stands guard at the door. I take in as much of my surroundings as I can while trailing after Anya, there must be over a hundred people packed into this makeshift bar. The stench of stale beer and smoke overwhelms me. I scrunch my nose in disgust and breathe through my mouth. Anya remains between me and Vor as he pushes his way through the crowd. I’m bumped and shoved as I make sure to keep her secure and safe between our bodies.
I shove some drunk out of the way and stumble to a stop, right there in front of me is what all this chaos is about. A cage stands in the middle of this place with two guys in the ring fighting, each of them looking like shit. Blood coats their bodies and one of them must have taken a good hit to the eye because it’s swollen shut. I watch as the guy in the purple shorts advances and swings a right hook, the other guy in yellow dodges it, drops low, then swings an uppercut sending the guy in purple to his ass. Yellow jumps on top of the other guy and reigns down blow after blow. The other guy, who I assume is the ref, doesn’t break them apart, even when it’s clear the guy on the ground is unconscious.
He's not gonna stop.
“Come on, we don’t have time.” I pull my gaze from the murder happening in front of me to stare down at the blonde Russian. The pity in her eyes tells me she doesn’t like this.
“They’re all just gonna watch as he kills him?” The confusion in my voice can be heard above the cheers of the crowd. I’m jostled around but stand my ground. She reaches out and grips my hand leading me away from the fight. Just as we hit a hallway where two guys stand guard, I peer over my shoulder and that’s when I see it, yellow shorts has his foot on the guys neck. He looks out to the screaming crowd as he raises his arms up smiling, twists his foot and snaps the guys neck sending the crowd into a bigger frenzy. What the fuck is this place?
She drags me down the corridor and stops at the second door on the right. She pushes it open and drags me inside. I see Vor leaning against the far wall with a scowl on his face. She kicks the door closed, then heads over to the lockers in the corner. She sits on the bench seat in front of the lockers and starts taking her boots off. I look to Vor, hoping he has some insight into what the hell she is doing but his gaze is fixed on her. I look back to see her undoing her blouse. I growl before moving in front of the pervert and blocking his view.
“Didn’t your mother teach you that it’s rude to stare?” His eyes narrow as he pulls his upper lip back in snarl. When the stench of his breath hits me, I fight to not gag. At least if he’s standing here getting in my face, he isn’t looking at her getting undressed. Wait, why the fuck is she undressing? I turn toward her, ready to demand some answers, but freeze. Her back is to us as she unclasps her bra and lets it topple to the ground before pulling a sports bra over her head. Her back is covered in ink. Two giant koi fish surround the outside of her back, in the center is little huts and some other things I can’t make out, but the one thing that does stand out is the star in the center of her back marking her as part of the Russian Bratva. Seeing the star right there in the center has me clenching my fists at my sides and grinding my teeth. She may be Koby’s best friend and beautiful as all hell, but I need to remember that she is the daughter of my enemy.
I can feel his gaze on me. Unlike Vor’s, it doesn’t send a shiver of disgust through me. Vor is here to make sure that I don’t take any weapons in the ring. Fucking asshole loves this part of his job, especially when he gets to pat me down even though he watched me change. Once my sports bra is on, I take a deep breath and begin to undo my jeans. I push them down and try to block out the fact that both of them are getting a good view of my thong-covered ass. The sharp intake of breath behind me lets me know it’s Gage. It’s not from seeing my ass though, it's from shock that my tattoo goes all the way to the bottom of my ass cheeks. I quickly grab my tights off the wooden bench seat and slip them on. I bend over and gather my hair into a high ponytail so it doesn’t get in the way. Once that’s done, I grab my sneakers and socks from my locker and drop down onto the bench to put them on.
“What the hell’s going on?” I don’t look at Gage as I continue to go about putting my shoes on, I don’t have time to baby him or explain this as I’m up next.