Page 4 of Turned By The Pawn

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Page 4 of Turned By The Pawn

“Vor, wait outside.” He grunts his disapproval but does as I ask. I say nothing until the door closes behind him. “You stand ring side and do not intervene or try to help,” I say to Gage as I stand and place everything neatly inside my locker. I reach around and undo the clasp of my necklace, then place a kiss on the gold cross and lay it on top of my clothes. It’s the only thing I have of my mother’s. I close my locker and roll my shoulders before cracking my neck side to side to get hyped for what's about to happen. Gage grips my arms, spins me around and slams me back against the lockers. He pins me with an angry scowl.

“What the fuck is going on?” I shove him back and duck when he tries to grab me again and dart into the corner where there is a small table set up with the tape I need for my hands. I turn back to Gage. I can see he’s pissed and confused as fuck about what’s happening but he will never understand this situation.

“You can either help me tape my hands or I call out for Vor. The choice is yours.” I give him a few seconds. He just stands there staring at me, so I give up and open my mouth to shout for Vor but snap it closed when he growls and steps forward. He snatches the tape from me and begins to do as I asked, saying nothing until he finishes taping my first hand and moves onto the next.

“Why are you fighting?” This time his tone is just… confused?

“I disobeyed and now I have to prove I’m worthy enough to live.” He snaps his gaze to mine, his green eyes searching mine for a lie he won’t find because it’s the truth.

“Your father knows about this?” he asks as he finishes taping my hand. I step and call for Vor. He enters and comes straight for me, shouldering Gage out of the way. Gage holds my stare over Vor’s shoulder as he pats me down. I focus on the color of Gage’s eyes to distract me from the way Vor grasps my tits and cups my pussy. Gage’s jaw stiffens as Vor lowers to his knees in front of me, his face perfectly in line with my pussy, neither of us missing the sound of his inhale. I fucking hate this prick and how he does that every time I have to fight. “She’s fucking clean,” Gage snaps as he yanks Vor back, causing him to fall to ass. Before they can get into it, I dart in between them and shoot each of them a warning look, before settling on Vor.

“Skazi im, chto ya gotov.” (Tell them I’m ready.)Vor shoots me a scathing look but does as he’s told like a good guard dog. He may hate it but even I’m ranked higher than he is.

“Answer my question!” Gage snaps as soon as Vor leaves the room. I look over at him from the corner of my eye and shake my head, he still doesn’t get it.

“Who the fuck do you think gave the order?” I deadpan before I walk out of the room and prepare myself for the pain I’m going to be in. No pity is taken on me because of who my father is, Vlad has made it clear to everyone that I am free game. No one will pull their hits because I have tits. I don’t get special privileges like not having to go through this or being exempt from punishment. I’m just like any other captain in the Bratva, except they are treated with respect and I’m not. I wait at the end of the corridor behind the two guards who will escort me to the ring. Everyone in here hates me because of who I am. It’s the reason I’m made to fight here, because all of these assholes would love to watch me get my ass dragged out of here in a body bag. The announcer begins their spiel about a special main event, but I tune him out when I feel Gage step beside me.

“Which is the girl you’re fighting?” I snort and shake my head while fighting to not laugh at his stupidity. I can feel his glare burning a hole into the side of my head, but I keep my gaze forward, not willing to allow him to distract me. I seem to forget my place whenever I look into his eyes and that is dangerous for both of us.

“Still not getting it, I see.” The announcer says my opponent’s name and the crowd cheers so loudly my ears begin to ring. Then when he says mine boos sound out, some of them even yell loud enough that I hear them calling me horrible things. I try to channel the anger inside me at what people presume of me, I need to use that anger to win this fight. Just as the guards step forward ready to lead me to the ring, I glance quickly over at Gage who is staring at me and say, “Women don’t fight here, only men.” His eyes widen but I don’t stick around. I follow after the two guards who forge a path for me, the crowd shouting at me calling me a slut, whore—you name it they say it. One even shouts that they have prayed for my death. Truth is, I can’t blame them for hating me. They throw cups of beer at me, water bottles, shoes. I duck when I see a glass bottle flying toward me. The next thing I know my head is pushed down and I’m being covered by Gage’s body as he helps me to the ring.

The crowd goes nuts when I get to the opening of the cage. Vor stands there by the opening, nodding for me to enter. Just as I step through, Gage yanks me back. I shoot him a warning look. He can’t stop this and if he tries to he will get the both of us killed. Vor steps forward to push Gage away but he’s too slow. Gage snakes out his arm and wraps his hand around Vor’s throat holding him in place.

“Hold your guard up, listen to me from the ring side and I’ll guide you. Don’t strike first and stay on the defense until I get a read on his moves.” I search his gaze for a second. When I see he is dead serious, I nod and step into the ring when he releases me. It’s as if I’ve stepped into a soundproof room as soon as the gate is closed and locked behind me, everything went silent. That door won’t be unlocked until one of us isn’t breathing. I take in my opponent, Andreas the announcers called him. He’s tall and lean, not skinny lean but more like toned and muscle lean. The guy stands at least a couple feet taller than me, his head shaved and covered in tattoos. His whole body is, but when my eyes land on the tattoo over his chest, my blood turns to ice.


He’s a fucking Crow! A smile stretches across his face when he realizes I now know he belongs to the Crows. The Crows were nothing but a group of wannabes that could never make it in the Bratva. Over the years they grew in numbers and have since caused nothing but problems for us. They used to be nothing more than a thorn in our sides but now, they have amassed an army of their own with loyal followers. The Crows hate what we stand for and want to kill us on sight. I have never really had much to do with them and have only heard the stories from some of the other Bridgers and Captains. I’m pulled from my inner turmoil when the ref shouts for us to fight. Unlike normal fights, there is no rounds in this one, you keep fighting until one of you is dead. I say a silent prayer to whoever is listening to help me get through this fight and let me live to see another sunrise.


The guy, Andreas I gather is his name since the crowd hasn’t stopped chanting it, charges toward her. She looks regal and deadly—black sports bra and skin tight black tights, her hair piled on top of her head. Her face is blank of all expression, she is doing an amazing as fuck job at keeping the fear off her face. Andreas throws a right hook. She ducks and jumps away from him. His reach is longer than hers and he’s quicker on his feet, she needs to use her small size to her advantage and keep tiring him out, then it’s time for her to go on the attack. She dodges his left hook only for him to strike out with a one-two combo and land a right jab to her ribs. She stumbles a few steps until her back is against the cage, the smirk on his face says it all, she needs to move before he pins her there.

“Get the fuck off the cage!” I yell. She flicks her gaze to me quickly before managing to just miss his leg coming up to connect with her head. My mouth drops open in shock when she grips his leg while it’s still in the air using her right shoulder to support the weight of it as she begins to land blow after blow to his midsection. He tries to hit her back but can’t get his balance while hopping on one leg. He does manage to land a jab right in the center of her face. She screams out in pain but doesn’t drop to the ground and weep like I thought she would. Blood gushes from her nose and trails down her chin. She switches it up and stomps down on his foot while pushing the other one higher.

His eyes bug out of his head as he grits his teeth in pain the further she stretches his leg up. He uses all his strength to throw her off but she doesn’t budge. The girl is a lot stronger then she looks. Pushing his leg above her head, he roars in pain, then swings out landing a right hook to the side of her face. She stumbles to the side dropping her hold on his leg. Each of them are breathing hard and take a split second to rest before she says fuck caution and charges at him, wrapping her arms around his waist and tackles him to the ground. They grapple on the floor rolling around the ring fighting for the top spot, each of them landing hits to the other. I fucking hate standing here like a bitch watching this fucker hit a woman right in front of me.

“Switch directions and use your fucking legs!” I scream over the roaring crowd, who is yet to stop chanting the fucker’s name. She must hear because he tries to roll right but she leans left, stopping his momentum then continues to rain down hit after hit until he bucks his hips and throws her off balance. In the next second he’s on top of her. She holds her hands over her face guarding it. That doesn’t stop him—the coward has a woman half his size pinned beneath him and still continues to find a way to hurt her. He starts punching her chest. I grind my teeth in anger as I grip the chain link fence shaking it. She needs to move or he’ll shatter her fucking collarbone! “You need to fucking move!” I yell.

She tries to break left but he’s too heavy for her to move, bucking her hips but he doesn’t shift an inch.


I can see her trembling from the pain, I move to the gate to go and get her the fuck out of there before he kills her. I’m two steps from the gate when Vor blocks my path seething with anger.

“Get the fuck out of my way!” I growl, not even trying to fake a Russian accent now and by the look on his face it doesn’t seem like he noticed.

“You try to help, she dies.” He may be a sick fuck but I can see it in his eyes he doesn’t like her being in there either.

“We have to do something,” I grit out as I peer around and manage to catch Anya striking out with a solid jab to the cunt’s nose. The impact disorientates him and she uses that to her advantage. She lifts her hips and turns, throwing him off her. She crawls away and uses the cage to help her to her feet, her face is covered in blood, her chest and abdomen are already starting to bruise. She clutches her right side and winces. Andreas is on his hands and knees now, so she rushes forward and kicks him right in the face. I push past Vor and grip the cage watching her. She keeps the pain she feels from showing on her face as she continues to kick and stomp his face. The final blow is when she jumps in the air and lands her knee right on his cock. He shoots into a sitting position screaming in agony, the roar of the crowd turns to shocked gasps. She jumps to her feet, spins and kicks him right in the face, knocking the fucker out.

She jumps on top of him, punching and smacking his face. I furrow my brow when she drops her right hand to her waistband, faking that she is holding her injured side before she pulls her hand back and… covers his mouth. Is she planning on suffocating him? She keeps her hand on his mouth as she uses her left hand to wrap around his neck. A moment later, she uses both her hands to strangle the life from him, then she throws her head back and screams. Her scream is filled with rage, pain and… agony for what she is doing. A minute passes by before she rolls off and shuffles back on her ass, staring at his lifeless body. The ref rushes over and places two fingers against his pulse, the crowd quiet as they wait for the official call. The ref darts his gaze to Anya and gives her a curt nod. I watch as all the air rushes from her body.

One of the guards that led us out here, steps forward and unlocks the gate. The second it’s open, I charge through and head right for her. I crouch down in front of her and gently cup her face. She winces in pain. I peer over my shoulder when a couple of other guys enter the cage and watch as they carry the fucker’s body out. Unlike the last fight, the crowd isn’t cheering at the death of this man. They are booing and throwing shit at the cage. I swivel so I can lift her and carry her out, but she bats my hands away and pushes me back.

“I’m walking out of here,” she says with such conviction I don’t argue, instead I help her climb to her feet. She stands tall and holds her head high. I can tell it’s causing her pain but she refuses to look weak in front of all these people. I follow after her. Vor is at the door waiting and ready to clear a path for her. The crowd shouts and throws things but she keeps her head up acting like they don’t bother her. When we reach the entrance of the corridor, one ballsy fucker steps forward and spits right in her face. I act without thinking. I punch the cunt right in the face and bask in my glory when his eyes roll back and he drops to the ground like a sack of shit. I place my hand on the small of her back ushering her forward. Vor opens the locker room door for us and closes it once we’re inside.

“You have twenty minutes,” he snaps from the doorway. She nods her head and limps toward her locker. I rush forward ready to help her anyway I can, to try ease some of her pain but she pins me with a look that tells me everything she can’t say. If Vor sees me taking pity on her and helping her it makes her look weak and also calls into question what type of relationship I have with the Pakhan’s daughter. I nod stiffly before claiming my position against the wall standing guard. It fucking sucks standing here watching her struggle to change. A small whimper sounds from her when she lifts her arms above her head to take off her sports bra. I cut a glance to Vor, unlike before he isn’t staring at her like he wants to eat her. His gaze is focused on his shoes. She’s earned his respect from winning that fight.

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