Page 41 of Dirty Justice
He switched on the TV and started flipping through the onscreen guide looking for something good to watch. A couple balloons with tangled strings decided it now was the right moment to float directly in front of the screen and hang there.
He grunted and pushed to his feet to bat them aside.
Indika snorted. “You didn’t think about how all these balloons would put a damper on your TV watching, did you?”
His lips twisted and he punched the entangled balloons, sending them right at her. She smacked them back.
He sent them sailing toward her again. She hit them with a little more force, and they came close to hitting him in the face, but he twitched his head to the side at the last moment.
“Damn your fast reflexes.” She let out a small giggle that was the sweetest music he’d ever heard.
He sank onto the sofa close to her. She curled her legs up to avoid touching him.
Seeing he’d pushed enough boundaries for the moment, he landed on a movie and sat back, letting his legs sprawl and draping one arm over the back of the sofa.
The theme song of the detective film he picked was a popular tune, and he found himself whistling along. Damn, when was the last time he whistled or sang? Years. The stress of being deep undercover had kept him serious and silent.
Even alone in the shower, he didn’t utter a noise. Recently, he began listening to the hard rock music he loved again, but he didn’t sing.
This was the first time he felt relaxed enough to do so, and that struck him hard in the chest.
He turned his attention from the screen and fixed it on Indika’s profile. She intently watched the opening scene of the movie. Her beautiful features sucked him in with a pull unlike any other. Of course she was striking, but her quick wit and intellect were what really made him fall in love with her.
She shifted her legs as if attempting to get comfortable. When her foot bumped his thigh, she looked up and caught him staring at her.
“Sorry,” she murmured. She started to pull her foot away, but he caught it.
Wrapping his fingers around her ankle, he fought hard against the need to let his fingers wander higher, over the sculpted shape of her calf.
Her eyes rounded with surprise.
Before she could come out with some snarky response, he tugged lightly on her ankle, stretching her leg out so her foot rested in his lap. Slowly, she edged the other closer and closer until she settled it over his thigh as well.
Chest tight, he forced himself to turn his head and focus on the TV again.
They’d just made a huge breakthrough. She was willingly touching him, even if he only got her feet wrapped in cute socks.
About half an hour passed before she started to get restless again.
“Do you need something for pain?” he asked.
“No. It’s just that my back isn’t happy with all the sitting and lying down I’ve been doing.”
“I can help with that. Can you scoot over a little?”
She blinked at him as if assessing whether or not his suggestion came with naked bodies tangled together. And he wanted that more than anything. But she wasn’t ready for that kind of activity.
He stood up and moved to the opposite end of the sofa. When she realized his intent, she scooted over far enough to allow him space to sit in the corner. Then he stretched out with her leaning up against him, her round ass snug against his groin, and his arms wrapped around her.
God, holding her this way was making him emotional. His throat tightened. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her off.
After a few wiggles that brushed him in all the wrong places, she settled against him and let out a sigh.
“Better?” he asked, lips close to the shell of her ear. He could flick out his tongue and taste that soft, sensitive skin and drive her crazy.
She nodded, bringing her ear even closer.