Page 42 of Dirty Justice
She laughed at something happening on the screen, but he missed it.
He didn’t even care. This was almost better than strip poker.
The movie ended and another started. They laughed over one character’s screwups at work. About half an hour into the second movie, he realized how Indika’s posture had changed. Her spine conformed to his chest and her head dropped back on his shoulder.
When her breathing slowed, he realized she’d fallen asleep on him.
Pleasure rippled through him. She was beginning to trust him again, and that knowledge was more priceless than any intel on a terrorist group.
He let his eyes slip closed and breathed in the scent of her hair. Since she wasn’t awake to protest, he took a chance and brushed his lips over her temple.
She didn’t even stir.
All of a sudden, his ass vibrated.
Hell. His phone was sending out another alert.
How did he get to his phone without waking the woman in his arms? He considered leaning and reaching beneath him, but that would snap her wide awake.
It buzzed again, and Apollo gritted his back teeth. Heneededto read that alert. What if he could save someone on Charlie, Alpha or any number of other people in the world fighting Abubakar’s cell?
Fuck. He couldn’t move.Wouldn’tmove. If he woke Indika, he might not ever get this moment back.
He closed his eyes again and prayed that whatever that alert said, Blackout already had the information.
He wouldn’t be part of the fight anyway.
For now, he was right where he belonged, caring for the woman he couldn’t imagine living through another day without.
“I choose you,” he murmured under his breath, hoping she heard it in her dreams.
* * * * *
Indika examined the staples low on her abdomen and sighed. Today she felt much better, but the itching was driving her crazy. The only way to keep her from digging her French manicure into the wound was to keep it covered.
But the tape caused more itching.
She slapped a fresh bandage over the wound and finished dressing with a heavy sigh.
Another day of sitting around in her apartment with AJ, battling the blazing need his closeness raised inside her.
Did he have to always look so damn good? Muscled, fit, he wore his confidence like men wore Armani suits. Even going without a haircut made him look hot as hell.
And his five-o’clock shadow had its own magical unicorn power to lure her in and scorch her panties to ash.
Big dick energy? Didn’t begin to describe what Apollo had.
Each time she glanced at him, she asked herself what was stopping her from jumping him. Then she remembered her reason for having her walls up in the first place.
One slip and she’d let him into her heart. Then he’d hurt her all over again.
From the corner of her eye, she tracked movement in her open bedroom door. For a split second, she was back in that sweatshop, catching sight of Shark right before he lunged for her and sank the blade deep into her skin.
A scream balled in her throat, she whipped around. She clapped a hand to her side, reaching for the sidearm she wasn’t wearing. A gasp burst out of her as she slapped her own stab wound.
With pain shooting through her, she launched out of her bedroom, only to see a green balloon bobbing along. It was half-deflated and hovered at the height of an average man.
No one was coming for her this time.