Page 2 of Hateful Liar
“Seriously, I’m not the one who had five shanks.” Ryder’s smile rises as he gives me shit about my performance.
“Yeah, because some dumbass kept yellingforeevery time I took a fucking swing.”
“Just training you under pressure.”
“I’m not the one who needs training—or who’s buckling under pressure.” I smirk at Ryder before glancing to Harrison.
The poor guy looks a little confused, but he’s still totally on board to help out. “I don’t mind giving some tips if you want.”
“Perfect.” I slap Ryder on the arm. “I’m gonna find Mom.”
I need to get at least one parent on board if I want to leave this godforsaken country club anytime soon. Usually I’d have my Audi, but today I’d opted to ride with my parents—like the dumbass I just accused Ryder of being. And I’m aware of the pissy look he gives me as I walk away, but his face lights up when he starts talking to Harrison. I’m sure Ryder doesn’t love to chat it up about golf, but Harrison is a helpful guy and golf was the easiest way to break the ice. He’s a junior—as is Ryder—and already has two full-ride offers on the table from elite universities.
About halfway to the clubhouse, I fully regret not hijacking the damn cart. Once I finally reach the side entrance, I head straight to the restaurant’s bar along the back wall. Ashton gives me a quick wink as he slides a glass of ice water across the bar.
“A Jack and Coke too.” I take a big swallow of water, the icy liquid burning my throat on its way down.
He glances around, shaking his head. “Can’t do.”
I take a few sips of water, my eyes on him. “Yes. You can.”
There’s no one within hearing distance, yet he keeps scanning down each length of the bar. “No, I can’t. Not only would I be serving an eighteen-year-old liquor, but your dad would kill me if he found out.”
A grin stretches across my face as I watch Ashton’s panic increase. Leaning forward, I slide the water back to him. “He’d kill you if he knew you had me bent over this very bar.” I glance down the length of the smooth marble countertop as the less-than-thrilling night from months ago pops into my mind.
Ashton’s eyes drop to his hands, his jaw flexing as he reaches for a clean tumbler and fulfills my drink request. He drops it on the stone with a thud before sliding it over to me. “If you get caught, I’ll deny I gave anything to you or touched you at all.”
“Oh, trust me, I’d want to deny that two-minute dull show if I were you too. But at least you got off.” I hold up the glass in a mocking toast before taking a drink.
He mumbles some colorful words under his breath as I take my much-needed drink and head out to the pool area. I’d expected to find Mom there, enjoying several cocktails, but she might’ve already had her fill. Not surprising either way—we’ve been here for over five fuckin’ hours.
Once out on the pool deck, I glance around to see a few members lounging on chaises and only one swimmer making laps in the Olympic-sized pool. But nowhere do I see Mom. Great.
I make a full lap around the club, visiting all the places she could be before ending up poolside again. I’m standing there, looking around like an idiot, before I finally spot her. Only I wish I hadn’t seen what my eyes are witnessing. She’s walking out the banquet room door, heading towards me. And she’s alone, but seconds later, Mr. Thatcher walks out and heads in the opposite direction.
Of all people, my freakin’ principal. It’s a good thing no one, including Dad, pays them much mind. Discretion is not their thing.
“Hey, Morgan.” Mom grabs the glass from my hand and downs the liquid without a comment about the contents.
“Can we leave now? Dad is too busy trying to plot his great QB snag to worry about us melting to death.”
“Yeah. I’ll get him.” Walking past me she says, “Go for a swim if you want to cool down.”
“Sure.” I wave my hand down my sleeveless mint polo and white golf skirt. “Because I’d planned to swim today.”
Mom is already on the other side of the patio area when I spot Ryder headed in my direction. She halts and heads back my way behind my less-than-cheerful-looking brother. My guess is he’s not happy with me whether the chat with Harrison went well or not.
As my brother approaches, he gives me a pissy stare. “Dad said it’s time to go.”
“About fuckin’ time.” I was three minutes away from calling an Uber or hitchhiking if I had to.
There’s no time for me to celebrate the good news though, because Ryder walks directly at me, and I register too late that his hands move up and out. And before I know it, he’s shoved me. I don’t have a chance to react, I’m simply flying backwards through the air before landing in the pool with a splash. Swimming my way back to the surface, I brush my hands over my face, already cussing my damn brother out as I try and take in a few breaths.
Ryder squats down at the edge of the pool, giving me a sly smirk. “That’s what you get for being a meddling bitch.”
“Fuck you, jackass.” I swat the surface of the water, sending a splash his way that mostly misses him.
He gives me another triumphant smirk before walking away as he hollers over his shoulder, “Love you too, sis.”