Page 3 of Hateful Liar
Swimming to the steps of the pool, I climb out then look down at my drenched clothes. Asshole. It might’ve been humorous if the pool didn’t feel like freakin’ bath water, but now I’m not only hot, I’m also stuck in drenched clothes too. Grabbing the hem of my shirt, I pull it over my head.
I don’t know how, but I’m going to get Ryder back for this. Yeah. I meddled. But for his own good, and if I hadn’t, he’d still be sitting in the golf cart drooling over Harrison.
“Morgan King, what on earth are you doing?” Mom’s expression matches her shocked tone as she looks to my lace bra. “Put your shirt back on. Don’t you have any respect for yourself? Or at least for your father and me?” She glances around, checking to see if anyone is looking, and all it does is piss me off even more.
Hooking the waistband of my skirt, I pull it down, remove it, and make a dramatic show of wringing the chlorinated water out of it. With my eyes locked on my mother, I say, “I forgot. It’s only respectable to remove your clothes when you’re fucking your daughter’s principal behind closed doors.”
Her wide-eyed expression gives me the satisfaction I craved. Yeah. I know her dirty little secret. And now the last thing on her mind is her daughter walking across the pool deck in her bra and thong.
I see the irritation in Dustin’s stance before I spot the frustration plain as day on his face. I’m well versed, I’ve seen it plenty times. Not that I expect any different from my brother. Can’t blame the guy—he’s shouldered the burden of raising me the last three years since neither of our parents cared to do the job. Most of the time, Dustin doesn’t seem to mind being responsible for me, his nuisance of a little brother who’s always hanging around. But right now, he’s in dad mode not big brother mode. And I’m gonna hear all about it.
He stands to the side of my truck, one hand on his hip and the other signaling for me to step out of my vehicle.
Sluggishly, I do as he asks. Why I even drove to this place, I couldn’t say. Maybe because I thought he’d be annoyed and would’ve already bailed. But my guess is he’s still here solely because there’s a silver Maybach parked across the lot that belongs to Coach King.
Dustin keeps a tight expression and a way-too-calm tone, which reminds me of how our dad sounds before he explodes on us. “Where were you, Cade? You gave me your word you’d show.”
Shrugging my shoulders, I lean back against the hot truck door. “I’m here. I showed.”
“Hours late. What the hell are you trying to prove?”
“Really?Ithink you’re determined to run your life into the ground just like Dad—and just like him, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.”
Every muscle in my body tenses as I look to my brother. He knows that’s the worst insult to throw at me. Nothing else could rile me more than being compared to that piece of shit. “I’m nothing like him.”
“Could’ve fooled me.” His sarcasm is heavy as he shakes his head, and the disappointment on his face is another thing that bothers me even if it shouldn’t.
“Why? Because I didn’t show up to impress some douche who wants me to throw a fuckin’ ball around to impress guys who are just like our father? I’ve done everything you’ve asked. I’ve attended that preppy-ass school full of assholes for the last three years and agreed to finish out senior year there and get my fuckin’ piece of paper. That was our deal.”
“Thatpiece of paperis just the beginning. I went out of my way to get hired on so you could attend the best school in the city and have an actual chance to make something of yourself. And Coach King is offering you another opportunity that will have a direct influence on your future.”
“Sure.” I’ve heard it all. But that doesn’t stop him from going back through it again.
“If you play, it could open up so many doors.”
“Yeah. You already opened the one at Saint Juliet. That’s about all the doors I need.”
“No. It’s not. College. That’s the next door you need. We’ll figure out a way no matter what. But I guarantee you if you take up Coach King on his offer and y’all go to state, you will have offers from schools all over the country. Full-ride offers, Cade. Do you know what kind of future that could set you up for?”
“Yeah. A disappointing one.” Because as much as I wish it weren’t true, I am my father’s son. I will screw up. I will let my brother down. I will do something to fuck up anything good in my life. Just like Dad does.
“With that attitude, I’m sure it will be.” His fatherly tone is in full force once again. Even after three years, it still doesn’t feel natural when he parents me. And maybe it’s not natural to him either because his parental facade slips as he slowly exhales, turns, and moves to put his back against the truck beside me. He remains silent for a few moments, his brotherly tone back in place when he asks, “What are your plans after graduation, Cade?”
Nothing. Not a damn thing. “Get a real job”—because my part-time marina job doesn’t pay shit, but it’s better than nothing—“and pay you back for everything.”
“You don’t owe me anything.”
“Yes, I do. You didn’t voluntarily sign up to raise a kid at twenty-five.”
“No, but I’m glad I did because otherwise I wouldn’t have had my little brother around nearly enough. It’s kind of a bummer you came along ten years later than me.” He lets out a little laugh.
“I owe you everything.” And I do. There’s no way I would’ve kept my head on straight had it not been for Dustin. First with Mom bailing on us, then with Dad going off on his storm of destruction.