Page 35 of Valkyrie Renewed
Astrid didn’t stop smiling. “There’s nothing to forgive, Týr.”
She said my name… like she had back then. I didn’t care if I imagined that or not.The woman I loved, and the one tempting me now, doesn’t blame me for what I couldn’t save her from.
The crack split more and then opened up. I pulled Astrid into me and buried my face into her neck. The scent of vanilla and lavender enveloped me. So different from back then, and so fitting for her now.
Astrid let out a startled squeak and then placed a comforting hand on my head. Angel licked my arm, adding her own support. We remained like this until the emotional flood inside me subsided.
“I apologize if I put you in an uncomfortable situation,” I said. As much as I needed that, and wanted her that close, I still was getting to know her in this life. I couldn’t assume I hadn’t put her in an uncomfortable situation.
Astrid smiled and cupped my cheek with a soft hand. “You wanted a friend. You got a friend.”
The light weight in my chest was a new feeling. If she wanted to be my friend, I’d take it. I wanted more, but I could be patient. I’d woo and romance her like I had before, with even more modern tools at my disposal.
“Thank you… for being willing to open up,” she said. “I appreciate that trust.”
I smirked. “Do I get a reward for such good behavior?”
She pursed her lips and her brow scrunched as she thought. Astrid then reached into a back pocket and pulled out a flat, brown dog-bone-looking item. “I’ve got a dog treat.”
Angel perked up and licked her chops.
“It’s all natural and organic, made with peanut butter,” Astrid continued.
I did my best to keep a straight face, which was a harder feat than it should be. “Are you calling me a hound?”
To her credit, she didn’t crack, either. “Would that make you a lost puppy?”
I worked my jaw. I wouldn’t be the first to crack. Her lip twitched and then she and I both sputtered out laughter. I took the treat when I calmed, and a melancholy feeling came over me. “Fen would have appreciated these jokes…”
Astrid observed me. She didn’t push any conversation, and I was thankful. I wasn’t ready to tackle the topic of him right now. I didn’t even know why I said anything about him just now.Because I miss what we had…
“How did you and your father come to find this place?” I wanted to change the subject to getting to know her. “Where did you come from before here?”
Astrid sucked in a deep breath and relaxed in the grass. “We’re originally from the D.C. area. I don’t know how my dad knew of this place, though. He said a friend sent us here after my mom’s trial, but he’s never gone into detail about it.”
That had to be the work of Aya’s magic. It wouldn’t be beneath her to manipulate someone with magic in order to protect Astrid. “How long have you and Diego been friends?”
“Since day one.” She adjusted the way she sat. “Dad and I had only been here maybe five minutes before he and his dad showed up. And that was the day he publicly declared we’d be best friends forever.”
“And that’s all you two are?”
Astrid rolled her eyes so hard I laughed. “Don’t listen to Aya. She’s obsessed with shipping us.”
My brow rose. “Shipping?”
“Uh, hmm.” She thought for a moment. “It’s when you desire two or more people, real or fictional, to be in a romantic or sexual relationship. It’s fairly common in fictional fandoms.”
I grunted. “That sounds like Aya. It’s weird how good she is at it, though.”
Astrid’s eyes widened. “Right? It’s a little freaky.”
Little did she know it was Aya’s domain that allowed it. And that made things difficult for me. “But you insist she’s wrong about you two?”
Astrid shook her head. “Look, Diego’s a flirt, but it’s obvious when he’s set his sights on someone. He’s relentless.”
I wondered how much she was in denial and how much was her being oblivious, because it seemed even obvious to me. But I wasn’t going to push that. If she was going to deny Diego, it gave me a better chance.
Aya’s taunting words about sharing Astrid flitted into the back of my mind, but I shook them out. “Speaking of Aya, how exactly did you two meet? You mentioned college, but I don’t see how your and her professions overlap for you to meet.”