Page 36 of Valkyrie Renewed
I assumed Aya had gotten herself some sort of college degree if she was going to sell her undercover story. I wouldn’t put it past her. Sure, she probably knew more about that computer stuff than any mortal alive, but she was a known masochist, so no doubt she got some enjoyment from it in some way.Probably by fucking all the professors.
“Oh, we became roommates first,” Astrid said. “My dad’s friend, Nyx, owns a bunch of apartments across the globe, and happened to have a suite available for us in one of her New York City complexes if we were willing to have a roommate. That’s how we met. And it just so happened we were attending the same school.”
Nyx?There was no way that name didn’t belong to the Fate, especially if Aya was involved. What business did she have helping? Why did Aya trust her to know of Astrid’s existence?
“Do you know Nyx?” Astrid asked. “I noticed some recognition in your face when I said her name.”
Shit.Well, no going back from that. “Yeah, she’s an old family friend. How did your dad meet her?”
Astrid shrugged. “He just said he’d met her in Greece once. Never explained further.”
“Huh, small world.” Was that the truth from her father? Had he actually met Nyx? Or had Aya implanted that memory to ensure Astrid went to Nyx’s apartment?
She’d be safe there, given all the protective magic Nyx would have had on the place. Little did mortals know, their separate living accommodations were all part of her singular realm that she shaped to appear like an apartment or hotel, with multiple connection points around the world. She typically kept mortals separate from supernaturals and immortals to keep up the façade. Astrid would have been one of the rare cases the Fate would make an exception for, with Aya involved.Still, why would she involve herself?
The Fates typically kept neutral stances, refusing to get involved with anything that would tip the balance one way or the other. Though, there was a rumor that Nyx wasn’t as neutral as she led on.
Angel pawed my arm and whined. I realized I was still holding the dog treat. “Wow, you’ve been patient.”
“I’m actually surprised she waited this long,” Astrid said. “She hasn’t taken her eyes off that.”
I offered it to the dog. After that impressive display of obedience, how could I not?
Angel happily crunched down on her treat and then jumped to her feet.
“Looks like she approves of our improved mental states,” Astrid said.
The statement intrigued me. Astrid said Angel was a therapy dog, but I didn’t know the first thing about such a profession for dogs. And there was the strange sense I got from her that she was more intelligent than your average canine.
However, Angel did not seem interested in me finding out. She grabbed the ball Astrid had set down on the ground and dropped it in my lap.
Astrid chuckled. “Tag, you’re it.”
I laughed. “Does she swim?”
Astrid snorted. “Normally, she’s charging into that water whenever we get here. Just know, you get her wet first, you’re towel-drying her before she goes back into the house.”
I could live with that duty. Securing the ball in a good grip, I chucked it into the lake. Angel tore off after it, launching herself into the water. Astrid laughed and shielded herself from the splash.
Angel returned a moment later, her drenched fur clinging to her honed body. Astrid gave a warning, but her dog didn’t care, and the inevitable shake happened, water flying everywhere. Astrid shrieked, and I laughed.
The canine dropped the ball at my feet and barked once impatiently. I didn’t hesitate to throw it for her again.
“I should have worn my bathing suit,” Astrid complained, wiping at her wet shirt.
I smirked. “You did promise I’d get to see that tattoo of yours one day.”
She laughed, her cheeks tinting. “I didn’t promise. Just said you might see it.”
“Well, it is summer, so I think there’s a high likelihood I will.” My eyes traveled down the tempting curves of her body. Preferably while she was topless, but a cropped shirt or bikini would suffice for now.
Astrid rolled her eyes, as if she could read my thoughts. “Don’t even suggest I remove my shirt.”
My brow lifted. “Why not? I’d remove mine to make it fair.”
She snorted. “Not even close to similar.”
I couldn’t stop the grin spreading up my face. “The way you stared at me yesterday says otherwise.”