Page 42 of King
“Please Avie.”
“Scribe is one of the safest brothers. He won’t let anything happen to your cousin. Besides, we need to get you both up to the clubhouse. We need to talk.” King stated firmly.
Something was wrong. I could tell. King wasn’t playing games right now. He meant what he said and by the cut of his shoulders, I knew he was serious. The chime over the door rang again. Turning, I saw Beth and Mike walk in. Mike’s eyes were wide as he shook his head in warning.
What the fuck was happening?
In the last five minutes, not only had my cousin and his nurse shown up out of the blue, but King and his merry band of misfits arrived and now Beth and her husband Mike. My little shop was getting crowded. “I got a bone to pick with you, King,” Beth said, walking over to the man, pointing her finger at him. “Did you tell Mike to give Sarah your future kids’ college fund?”
“Yes, ma’am I did,” King grinned. “Since I’m not planning to have a kid anytime soon, thought Sarah would like some extra spending money while she partied it up in Europe.”
“That was very kind of you, but my daughter is not going gallivanting all over Europe. She is staying in school.”
“Beth, honey. It’s just a vacation. She’s on summer break.” Mike sighed.
“You be quiet. If she wants a break, she can come here and help us in the coffee shop.”
“She’s a kid Beth. She wants to spend the summer with her friends, not work her ass off while her mother hovers over her,” her husband added.
“I do not hover!”
“Bye Avie!” I heard Jamison say as the chime above the door dinged again. Turning around, I gasped as Jamison and Scribe walked out of my shop and towards Scribes bike.
There was too much going on in my shop.
Ignoring everyone, I raced after my cousin and only made it two steps before King caught my arm, stopping me. “We need to talk, Bailey.”
“Not now King!” I said, a little more forcefully than I should have, which seemed to piss King off even more than he already was because before I knew it, I was once again over his fucking shoulder. Fucknut had to be following some caveman manual or something because whenever I pissed him off, over the shoulder, I went.
Swear to fucking God. If he ever dragged me by my hair, I was going to chop off his balls and throw them into a wood chipper!
“Priest, lock up the shop. Everyone out!” He ordered as I tried to get him to release me. Should have known I wouldn’t win against the big brute. Fucker was damn strong and oh boy was he obstinate. When he wanted something, fuck decorum. The bastard took without asking. Which explained why my ass was now standing in his office at the clubhouse, as he glared at me from across the room.
“What? What is so damn important that it couldn’t wait?”
Chapter Fourteen
“What? What is so damn important that it couldn’t wait?” she snarked angrily.
I was going to beat her ass red.
Right after, I made damn sure she knew who wore the pants in this relationship. It was time I reminded her of what she agreed to. Pushing off my desk, I grabbed Bailey by the wrist, spun her around, quickly sat on the small couch and systematically laid her across my lap. Her gasp and shriek were music to my ears as she fought my hold.
“You even think about spanking me and I will bite your dick off!”
I chuckled, rubbing her pert backside, my dick growing with need as she fought to free herself. “You agreed to my claim. You are mine Avonleigh to do with as I please, and now it’s time to learn what that means.”
“OH. MY. GOD! Are you seriously getting turned on!” she shouted, kicking her legs. “I swear to God King, if you spank me, I will…”
Dead silence reigned for a single breath before my woman unleashed a war cry that would have made William Wallace proud.
Looking back, I realize now where I went wrong as Priest handed me an ice pack for my face. My woman wasn’t some wilting flower. She never was. She had milliseconds of frailty, but my woman was a force to be reckoned with.
Fuck me, she had a nasty right hook, too.