Page 43 of King
Though in her defense, she did warn me.
She told me not to do it, but did I listen?
Fuck no I didn’t and now I was sitting in my office as Priest tried unsuccessfully not to piss his pants, laughing while my brother Pyro shook his head.
“Holy fuck King,” Pyro snickered. “You picked the perfect woman. I like her.”
“Shut up,” I growled. “Where the fuck is she?”
“With Scribe and her cousin. Scribe and a few of the others are showing her the obstacle course.”
“You mean she’s gearing up to shoot my ass.”
“Basically,” my brother said before adding, “King, you know Bailey isn’t like the others. She won’t tolerate stupidity. Hell brother, she has no problem going toe to toe with you. You saw what she did to the club whores. That should have been your first warning. You got yourself a handful with that one. My advice. Tread carefully, or she will have your ass in traction before your next birthday.”
Shaking my head, I got to my feet and went in search of Bailey. I still needed to talk to her, even if she was ready to castrate me.
My brother’s words rattled around in my head. He was right. Bailey wasn’t like the other women I’ve been with. While those women were soft and pliable and easy to control, my Bailey was anything but. She was headstrong and stubborn as the day was long. When she made up her mind, there would be no changing it. She was resolute in her stance and demanded respect. But fuck me. When I got her to lower her guard, she was fucking putty in my hands. Like a kitten with a bowl of warm milk, my woman wanted more of what I gave her. I knew the second I entered her tight body, she was my equal.
My perfect mate.
Soft and giving, my woman responded to me in ways no woman ever had. Just thinking about her had my dick straining hard against my jeans.
Shit. Now I wanted to sink my cock into her warm, tight pussy.
A few hours later, I found Bailey and the others standing at the entrance of the obstacle course on the backside of the compound. As former military members, the brothers and I continually trained to keep alert and fit. The obstacle course was one of our weekly training exercises that the brothers loved. Mainly, they loved trying to beat me, but none ever did.
“Looks easy enough,” I heard my woman say, as Gunner and Scribe looked warily. “So, what do I get if I win?”
“There is no winning Bailey. It’s a timed course. The course tests your strength, dexterity and response time. There’s no trophy if you finish.”
“Well, that sucks,” she muttered, then asked, “So, who’s got the best time, then?”
“I do.” I stood off to the side, arms crossed over my chest, watching as her eyes narrowed. My woman was still mad about the little love tap I gave her.
“I want to try,” the stubborn woman said, challenging me to deny her. Shaking my head, I sighed. “You can’t. Your dominant hand is still in a cast. How are you going to shoot?”
My woman grinned. “Who said my right hand was my dominant hand?”
Flinching, I looked at Scribe. “Scribe?”
Before my brother could reply, my woman grabbed the Glock at Gunner’s side with her left hand, flipped off the safety, and fired off several rounds. Brothers ducked for cover as I just stared in shock while her cousin Jamison came running over.
“My turn!” Jamie fidgeted next to her, hopping from foot to foot. Then, as if nothing was wrong, Bailey handed the Glock to her cousin who then finished the clip, hitting every target, dead center.
What the fuck!
“Son of a bitch,” Pyro whispered. “She’s ambidextrous.”
“Didn’t see that coming,” Priest muttered, as Jamison handed the gun back to Bailey, smiling brightly before he walked off.
“Did you know she could do that?” Frank asked.
Shaking my head, I looked directly at Scribe, who looked everywhere but at me. “Scribe?”
“Okay, fine,” the brother moaned. “I may have left that part out, but in my defense, there is a lot about the woman that I’m still having trouble reconciling. Like how the hell she is one of the best tattoo artists on the planet, but she doesn’t have ink anywhere on her body. I know because I looked several times!”
Instantly, Scribe slapped his hand over his mouth, shaking his head. Backing up, he looked wide-eyed at me as I stalked the pervert, growling. “What the fuck did you just say?”