Page 8 of Claiming Their Kitten
“Alright, Trouble. What did you do?” Ender sat down in the chair across from me in the small café down the street from the office and frowned, arms crossed over his chest like I’d just taken his last cookie.
I hadn’t.
I knew that.
Had I eaten the last ice cream sandwich?
No, there’d been two more when I’d stolen one the other day. I couldn’t think of anything else I’d done, so I decided playing innocent was the best idea since I might actually be innocent. Looking cute never hurt, so I used the nickname that always made him sigh. “Nothing, Endy.”
He almost managed not to react, but as he let out a faint frustrated sound, he glared at me. “Really? That’s what you’re going for?”
Had I eaten his last cookie?
I couldn’t help it if he was the only one who brought good snacks to work. Admitting that might be a bad tactical decision, though. He hadn’t actually said what I’d done. Was he just fishing?
“Since I’m pretty sure I’m totally innocent of any charges, yes.” I’d been good this week. Other than the ice cream, I hadn’t taken anything that I could remember. Well, it was only Tuesday but some weeks were rougher than others.
I hadn’t even taken the last of the good coffee creamer either, so really, I’d been amazing this week.
Leaning back as he glanced around like he was making sure we couldn’t be overheard, he frowned and still seemed convinced I’d done something ridiculous. “The party? Is there any reason I would be getting a call from the woman who runs the parties?”
That was weird.
This wasn’t about food?
I took a moment to really think about it and shook my head. “No, I wasn’t a pest. You watched me. I played nice with the other littles and the toys. I didn’t throw the balls. The guys I hung out with didn’t even seem to have a little they forgot to mention.”
I usually managed to attract any asshole in a room, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when the last guy I’d tried to seriously date forgot to mention his wife. His very angry wife who was also his sub and who seemed to be slightly unbalanced.
The black eye I’d gotten from that disaster had been Ender’s last straw and he’d refused to let me go out on my own anymore.
The memory of that got a wince from him because he seemed to think that he should’ve been able to save me from crazy people and my own bad decisions. “I guess we should be grateful for small favors but that still doesn’t explain why the woman who runs the party planning company wanted to talk with your guardian.”
Giggling just made him frown more severely but it was so funny. Still, it didn’t seem like the time to frustrate him even more, so I sat up and tried to stop smiling. “Sorry. I’ll be good.”
That had him rolling his eyes, but he quickly got back to the point. “She said it was a delicate matter. What did you do?”
“Nothing.” Shaking my head, I honestly couldn’t think of anything that’d gone wrong. “They were polite and seemed to think I was cute. The sexy grumpy guy even played with me. He’d definitely had a long week. They were fun. They got me juice. You saw everything.”
They’d even followed the limits Ender had laid out and hadn’t pushed them at all. I hadn’t pushed limits either even though they were cute. They seemed like they were a great couple and were really good together. Ender wouldn’t have left me with them if he’d had any concerns.
As he kept glaring, clearly not looking forward to calling the woman back, I shrugged. “It was relaxing and we left before anything could go wrong. Honest.”
We’d heard good things about the age play mixers the party planning group threw, and so far I couldn’t complain. It seemed like they’d screened the members really well because none of the assholes I’d met over the past few years had been there. I’d been amazed and that’d been one of the reasons I’d felt safe enough to be little.
Not a single asshole had popped up… not even the guy that Ender had had to deck.
“I had fun. They had fun. I don’t remember anything being weird.” Well, besides the two guys togetherpart. I’d never met a Daddy and a Dom who were partners, but it seemed like they made it work. They hadn’t even looked jealous.
“Nothing?” He sighed and dug his phone out of his pocket as I shrugged. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”
Since it seemed like I was trapped, I went back to my sandwich and tried to work through a few issues that weren’t quite fitting together as I doodled in my unicorn notebook. Ignoring Ender’s drama was easy because it was so familiar. I hadn't been naughty or grumpy or bratty or ended up with a black eye.
Hell, even Ender hadn’t ended up with a black eye and he hadn’t needed to tell anyone more than once that he wasn’t looking for a partner. He was cute enough and broody enough that some people didn’t take no for an answer very well but even he hadn’t been groped.