Page 9 of Claiming Their Kitten
Ender had a grumpy Dom look that always made everyone want to get closer to him, but he didn’t appreciate what people wanted to do when they got closer. He liked cuddling but that was about it and a lot of the time people didn’t respect his boundaries.
As he quietly grumbled in the background, I added a few more notes about the project we were working on. Just as I finally realized where we’d gone wrong… well, where Mitch had gone wrong because he hadn’t listened to me the first time… Ender set the phone on the table and groaned, resting his head in his hands.
Drama was his cue that I needed to give him attention, so I was good and set my pen down.
Oh, had I accidentally eaten someone’s cookie at the party?
He was veryyou ate my last snackfrustrated.
“Trouble, were you paying any attention at all?” He looked down at my notebook and didn’t seem surprised when I shook my head. “That’s what I thought.”
“I found the problem, though.” I glanced down at my notebook and then up at Ender. “And I even had veggies on my sandwich.” That always made him happy.
He almost smiled as he sat straighter and took a deep breath, but he was dead set on being dramatic because he went back to frowning. “Alright. One last time. Were the men nice to you?”
He knew the answer to that because he hadn’t let us out of his sight.
“Yes.” Sitting straighter to match his serious look, I did my best to pay attention so he’d stop asking the same questions over and over. “They were nice and we left before anything could go wrong.”
That was always the goal.
Play. Have fun. Get taken care of for a while. Leave before the crazy could explode.
“I liked the party.” There’d been lots of Daddies and most had seemed sane. I wasn’t going to count on that actually being true but at least they hadn’t looked nuts.
“The woman who runs the parties wanted to know what went wrong and if the Daddy and Dom you hung out with had done something inappropriate or anything she needed to know about.” Ender paused just long enough to be confusing before he kept going. “They were sad you didn’t want to see them again and one of them had called asking to know what they’d done to chase you off. It sounded like the grumpy guy called but she didn’t say which one specifically.”
I must’ve looked confused because he sighed and tried again. “She wanted to know if there was anything she needed to be aware of because she said she didn’t want anyone to be uncomfortable at the events.”
Ender looked kind of tired as he let out a deep breath. “Did the Daddy or the Dom talk about seeing you again or ask any questions like that?”
“No.” Shaking my head, I thought about the party and Happy Daddy and Grumpy Poppy. They’d been so funny and clearly meant for each other. They’d been like a romance novel couple and it’d been fun to be included in that for a while.
“We played and they talked about silly stuff. Um, the slightly grumpy one seemed to have had a long week and he kept hiding yawns from his partner. The Daddy wants a goat but I really don’t think that’s practical.”
I couldn’t hold it against Poppy that he’d said Happy Daddy couldn’t have a goat. Pets were a lot of work and a goat seemed harder than a dog. Hmm, I should’ve probably told Daddy Harper that he needed to start small. Poppy would let him have a fish and they were a gateway pet… everyone knew that.
“They were both getting tired and it was time to go and I needed to use the bathroom and then we left.” Shrugging, I couldn’t figure out where anything had gone wrong. “Sure, I didn’t wait until they gave me theit’s been fun but you’re…whatever speech, but that was it.”
Sometimes I was too little.
Sometimes I was too cheerful.
Sometimes I wasn’t little enough.
Sometimes I was too smart.
One time I hadn’t been a redhead… that’d been weird.
Oh, and then there was that time I wasn’t a boy. He’d known that from the start but somehow he’d forgotten to mention that he really wanted a little with a penis.
Yep, waiting around for that speech was painful, so I’d left while it was still fun. I’d rather remember them as nice than them trying to tell me that they weren’t interested in seeing me again. It just seemed logical.
Ender finally leaned back in his seat. “I think you need to give some kind of warning before you walk away, just in case they actually like you.”
Scrunching up my face, I shook my head. “That might get us decked faster.”