Page 1 of Knights of Past
Itook a deep breath and looked up as if I could still see his heavenly light, closing my eyes the moment I realized it was already long gone. With a shudder, I remembered the promise I made him the second glorious white wings had erupted from his back. Then once he had gathered his daughter’s body in his arms and stood, I quickly did the same. In that moment he had looked down to me and while placing his forehead to mine, he asked,
“Wait for me.”
Of course, my promise was said instantly in return,
* * *
“Amelia!”I heard my parents both shout, making me turn in time to see them running towards me. In that moment of deep vulnerability, I ran towards them, meeting them halfway after an emotional sob tore free.
“Mum, Dad!”I shouted, seconds before throwing myself into their awaiting arms. I felt the tears soaking into my dad’s black shirt as he held my head cradled to his chest and my mum hugged me from behind. I hardly took note that my father looked barely affected by the fight with my mother. However, my mum was looking a little worse for wear with her jeans now ripped at the knees and her dark red sweater near in tatters.
“God’s child,”my dad breathed before I felt him tense, holding me tighter as if he was still trying to find the words. I pulled back a little so I could look up at him and with tears streaming down my face, I told him on a shuddering breath,
“I did it, Dad… I… I beat him.” At this his own eyes glistened with unshed tears as the pride poured out of him. He reached up and cupped my cheek.
“That you did, my child…you were utterly breath-taking.”I smiled before biting my lip, and my tears started to flow more freely before I hiccupped a sob back and threw my arms around him.
“Oh, Dad!” He wrapped his own arms around me once more, this time lifting me slightly, so he could whisper,
“I was wrong, all these years. I was so wrong, and I am so sorry, baby girl… so sorry I tried to protect you… I… I was so blind… I…”I gripped him tighter before telling him,
“It’s okay, Dad, I get it… I understand it.” At this he lowered me down until my feet were back on the ground so he could look down at me and take my tears away with his thumbs, just like he used to do when I was a kid.
Then he told me earnestly,
“Then understand this, my child, I could not be any prouder of you, Amelia, than I am in this moment. I feel as if my pride will burst this old man’s heart. Your strength, your courage, your heart and the power of your good soul…all of it was a gift to witness.”I grinned up at him and felt the emotions pour out of me, especially when I heard him say,
“You saved your mother, my Chosen…”He paused at this and pulled my mother to his side. And just like my own Fated had done to me, he bent his head enough to place his forehead to hers as emotions led his actions. And he wasn’t the only one, as she cupped his cheek and silently told him,
‘I love you.’
My father smiled at this before my mum turned to me and, like my father had done, showered me with praise.
“You saved us all, Amelia!” I swallowed hard at that, only now realising for myself what I had done. The gravity of it all. It started to hit me as my heart began to hammer in my chest.
I had killed a God.
I swallowed hard before nodding behind my parents, telling them,
“Yeah, well I had help.” Then I pulled back enough to look at the army that had now all stopped. It wasn't hard to see those that had been fighting against us. Lucius’ army were now shaking their heads, ridding themselves of the remnants of control from their unsure minds as all souls had now been restored to their rightful owner.
“And speaking of help,” I said before pulling away from my parents. I looked overhead as I saw the McBain brothers’ combined creature swooping low in the air and in their grasp was none other than Pip. I had to smile, because there she was, calling out as if she was having the time of her life,
“WHOOOOHOOO! I’M COMING, HONEYBOO!” She screamed because clearly there was one part of Hell that still had its fair amount of problems. I looked to the distance to see my uncle Adam in his other form, the greatest beast ever created, Abaddon, who was still causing havoc upon the land. He had just finished picking up a castle-sized rock and throwing it towards the cliff face, making it crumble in an avalanche of red dust. He then looked up at the sky and started roaring out at the sight of his Fated mate being flown in from above.
Yeah, it was most definitely time for Pip to take over, I could see her in their dragon-like clutches as she was already trying to strip herself of clothes. The sight made me chuckle, especially when she tossed her t-shirt in the air, as if she was at a rock concert. I knew then it wouldn't be long before Hell was back under the Devil’s control, and Pip’s Beast would be calm once more.
But before then, they had to get her safely to him, something that looked to be a bit of a mission, when Abaddon looked even more gripped by fury at the sight of his woman in the clutches of another Beast.
Clearly, the McBain brothers sensed this too and knew to give him a wide berth, especially when Abaddon threw another chunk of Hell’s earth at them, trying to take them down.
“NOW STOP THAT! IT’S NOT NICE, POOKEY!” Pip chastised, before she was dropped at a safe height and far enough away that the McBain brothers had a chance of escaping. Now he was no longer under the same control that Mathias had on the others, Abaddon started to reduce in size with every earth-shaking stomp he made over towards his wife. His wife who was running back to him like something out of the Sound of Music as she frolicked and pranced, twirling her naked body with her hair dancing out behind her.
“Amelia?” My dad questioned, bringing me back to my own duties and making me grin back at them before saying,