Page 2 of Knights of Past
“It’s time for me to go and make someone else proud…time for me to go and be their Queen.”I made a step away from my parents but stopped when I felt my mother's hand shackle my wrist. I looked down before I raised my eyes to my mother in question, her beaming grin was the only comfort I would need in that moment. Anything just to be able to rid myself of the haunting memory of seeing her in such pain only a short time ago. Seeing such agony on someone you loved was an agony shared, especially knowing that I was the only one that had the power to stop it.
So yes, seeing her smile now was like a soothing balm to that memory.
“Then I suggest you look the part, my beautiful daughter,” my mother said, before looking back to my father who grinned in agreement. Then, before I could even ask, my father's eyes started to glow a deep fiery purple, as he slowly raised his hands up. I looked down at myself to see what he was doing, only to find that my own tattered clothes were now transforming into something more fitting for my claim on Lucius’ crown. Transforming into what can only be described as making me look like some warrior Princess.
I was now wearing a deep crimson colored dress that reached to the floor and was edged in a shimmering black, spiked thorn design. The front of the skirt held an embroidered Crest of my family’s house, with a glistening black design that was also framed by the same pattern of thorns. The cut of the dress was both beautiful and practical with two long slits at each side of my legs reaching my hipbones. Underneath I now wore a pair of thick, leather trousers with shining black, plated armored boots that came up past the knee. A long, flowing cape of black and red attached to the high collar, one that was held there with curved plated shoulder pads and overlapping armor that reached all the way down to my wrists. Underneath, the long sleeves of the dress provided some comfort under such heavy weight. Now, after a day of wearing this bad ass outfit I had a feeling I would never complain about wearing a bra ever again!
However, despite how brutally beautiful it was, I soon realized that it had more than one point to make. I knew this when I looked down at myself once more to find the curved chest plate molded like a glove over my torso.
“Lucius’s sigil?” I questioned in shock, looking back at my father who simply nodded with a grin. Lucius’s sigil was engraved silver against the black, demonic armor that was so similar to that of his own, making me wonder if this had been my father’s intention. To make me an extension of my Vampire King… his counterpart and leader of his Kingdom in his absence. It covered most of the space across my chest, reaching down to protect my belly, and I felt near indestructible in this thing.
Oh yes, it seemed as if my father was making a statement alright, and to all of Hell at that, signifying the bringing of our two houses together and presenting them on me, his daughter. One that with my last breath would continue to make him proud.
Now with my new power thundering in my veins, I reached out a hand behind me, calling for Lucius’s sword, Caliburnus, waiting for my palm to be filled with the extra power. For every warrior needed a weapon, and I was determined to become its keeper until such time that I could return it to him.
I heard my mum mutter to my father,
“Could she be wearing any more armor?” At this he chuckled before reminding her,
“She's still my daughter, bad ass or not.” I stifled a chuckle at hearing this, knowing old habits would definitely die hard with my father, no matter what he had just seen me do.
Once my transformation was complete, I walked towards Lucius’s army, one that was no longer trying to kill the opposing side. A side that, now it was safe to do so, had fallen back at the commands of all of those that led them and had fought valiantly for us.
Lucius’s army were an ocean of brutal, horned Demons with muscles bulging as they held Demonic looking weaponry in meaty grasps. These were mixed among some of the most terrifying creatures I had ever seen, with more fangs and pointed teeth than facial features could claim. With twisted, spiked limbs that looked more than capable of impaling their enemies and decaying skin that looked poisonous to touch. Intermingled between these powerful beings were mortal vessels that played host to a nation of vampires. Each wearing Demonic armor that looked as though it had been forged in the depths of a volcano before being cooled into plated armor shaped igneous rock.
It was chilling sight to behold, and one I steadied myself mentally against so I could do what I knew needed to be done next.
A show of strength and leadership.
So, after squashing down the urge to look back at my father for comfort, knowing this would be seen as a weakness, I approached the great army. However, what did surprise me was what came next as they all started to part down the middle, each taking a step backwards as if this had all been choreographed.
Before I could question these actions further, my eyes grew wide when I started to comprehend why. This was after I could see others making their way down the centre, making me understand why even the most terrifying looking Demons were now giving those that approached me a wide berth.
My Wraiths.
Of course, calling them mine was a bit of an exaggeration. They weren't mine as such, yet their souls were still under my control…Under my care.I hadn't wanted to use them in the army. I hadn't wanted to take advantage of them and do to them what their once king, the Wraith master, had done to them for all those years. But when I looked over the sea of Demons all fighting the wrong side, those that had been made to fight for a cause that was not their own, I couldn't help but fear for all the souls that would be lost.
So, I’d done something I promised myself I wouldn't do. I called forth the Wraiths and asked them to do something that in all their years of being enslaved, they had never been asked to do before. I asked them to fight a war where death would not be the outcome. I had merely wanted to create a distraction between two enemies fighting that could all lose their lives. A way to prevent pointless deaths. A way to save souls, not have them taken and used for a King’s gain, just like what had been done to the Wraiths. So, knowing this, they fought for a justice, until such a time where these souls controlled by Matthias could return back to their rightful owner.
Their Vampire King.
In truth, I had thought that I would have been met with resistance, especially after vowing to them not to be like their master had by using them. However, it was as if they realized that this was not the same. That each of them could see down to the core of what was only ever to be a noble cause when I was the one asking it of them and in turn, I felt no conflict as they rose to the call of their new master.
And as for now, well here they all were, swiftly marching down the center of those that they had not long ago fought against. An unbeatable army, for nothing could kill a Wraith, which was why they were quickly given their space to make their way through.
I felt my father come and stand behind me, feeling the tension coming off him in waves at my back.
“Amelia?”He said my name in a questioning, unsure way, making me glance over my plated shoulder before telling him,
“It's alright, trust me, they will not hurt me.” I then proved this by stepping forward and as I did, my father soon discovered why I was so confident. I watched as the one I had named Trevor came forward, making me grin at the sight of him. Most would have no doubt found this as an unnerving reaction to such a haunting being, but seeing him now leading the way brought me a comfort I could barely explain. One that only increased the moment he started to lower to a single knee, causing all the rest to follow, just like they had done the first time I freed them from their metal cages. Then, in what I had come to understand as the ultimate sign of their loyalty and respect, as one they all made a gesture with their hands. Ghost like fingers pointed up to the sky with phantom palms covering their faces for a few seconds before their hands all slapped to the ground at the same time, doing so in a thundering salute that echoed throughout the canyon.
“Wraiths, hear me now… your souls have been entrusted to me, and the honor you grant my own soul by answering my call to fight by my side makes me forever grateful. Your loyalty is never to be questioned and in return, I hope that my own is never to be doubted when I tell you all, I am forever in your debt. I bestow upon you my eternal vow that I will stop at nothing until I can finally discover how to release your souls back to their rightful owners. So that you may one day know what it is to gain back the pieces of the past that were stolen from you. As for this victorious day, you may return to your realm and wait for me, for I promise you with even my last breath, your day of freedom will come.”
Trevor was the first to react and, like he also did that day, he placed a palm over his heart before rising to his feet. Then after nodding his head, he made a clicking sound, one that I still had no clue how to translate. But whatever the words were, their meaning became clear as, one by one, they started to float away like a wave washing the footprints from the sand.
I wondered briefly where that thought had come from, as if there was something there in my mind I couldn't yet reach. A memory that seemed to be lost and one deeply implanted yet despite this, it was also one I was not allowed to breach. I shook these strange thoughts from my mind as soon there was another heartwarming sight making its way down the center of the parted army.
“Clay! Caspian!” I shouted the second they came into view making me run towards them. Caspian grunted, which was all he was able to muster, making me smirk up at him,