Page 19 of Devil's Territory
I give him a side eye when I see it in the stack.
“Apparently the woman falls in love with a ‘bad boy.’” He grins when I pick it up. I can’t help laughing when I see that the cover model looks suspiciously familiar…
He stays with me when I’m too exhausted to get out of bed, but not tired enough to nap again. We watch Netflix on my laptop, me lying in bed and Raf in the chair next to me, holding my hand. My old bed is far too small for two people. Especially when one of them is Raf’s size.
I sense that something’s going on, but he hasn’t said what. He never talks about his work much, but it’s clear he’s getting more phone calls and messages than usual. He must be working on something new when he’s not here.
Caroline is still in bed,but she’s recovering well. I’m glad just to be with her. It reminds me of our afternoon coffee breaks at the bakery when we would sit and talk for as long as either of us could stay. But I can’t wait for her to be healthy again.
We’ve been bingingSchitt’s Creek, and when the latest episode finishes, I tell her I’ve got to leave for a bit.
“What is it?”
“Nothing. Just a meeting.” I bend down and kiss her before I head out.
I drive down to Stephen Girard Park. I find the bench under the statue and sit and wait. A little later, Mateo joins me. Soon we see Cormac Dollan, Underboss of the Irish Mafia. He walks down the path toward us with one of his other Captains.
I get up from the bench and move to stand next to it, giving Cormac my seat next to Mateo. Mateo and I are moving with the plan I laid out to him and Luca in his office.
Cormac starts. “Some nerve calling for a meeting when you just killed one of my Captains.”
Mateo is cool and not bothered by Cormac’s accusation. “He killed one of ours.”
“A soldier.” Cormac glares at Mateo.
“He also killed the bakery owner,” I add. I can’t let Allen’s death go without mention. I know I’m not supposed to talk in this meeting, but I can’t help it.
Cormac turns his glare on me, but he still addresses Mateo. “Perhaps you’re willing to trade one of your Captains. Maybe you’ve got one that talks out of place?”
Mateo looks at me. I can’t push it.
Then he answers. “We’ve both lost a Made Man. We’re even.”
“On one count, perhaps. But you’ve been pushing into our territory.” Cormac squints at Mateo. “I know it’s under your orders. I should just kill you now for even stepping foot in Devil’s Pocket.”
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Mateo moves forward with the plan. “I’m sure you’re not a fan of DA Nicoletti either?”
Cormac smirks.
“And he’s only going to come down harder on both of us after your Captain set fire to that building.”
“What are you proposing?” Cormac looks curious.
“A cease-fire between the Irish and the Italians.”
“You want to work together?” Cormac asks skeptically.
“No. I want a territorial truce. And a cease-fire until we’ve removed Nicoletti.”
Cormac looks like he’s thinking it over.
Mateo continues. “We’re even on deaths. We each lost a Made Man. In exchange for the border territory we’ve moved into, we’ll take out the DA, get him replaced with someone more sympathetic. Nothing will point to either of us. Our borders stay peaceful until it’s done.”
Cormac lifts his chin as he looks sideways at Mateo. “What happens when he’s dead?”