Page 20 of Devil's Territory
“Business as usual.”
It’s a solid deal and Cormac knows it. In the best deals, everyone wins. Or at least they stop losing.
This is the plan I laid out to Mateo and Luca. I knew Mateo already wanted the DA gone. I was just able to multiply the benefits of getting rid of him. And if Luca takes him out, it’ll look like an accident. It won’t come back on us at all.
Cormac holds out his hand to Mateo.
They shake.
It’s a deal.
On the thirdmorning that I’m home, I feel good enough to walk myself down the stairs. I’m not surprised to see Raf sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee with Lisa. I’m happy to see him.
“You’re up!” He jumps up to kiss me on the cheek. “I would have come up, but I didn’t want to wake you.”
He seems happier than usual.
“How are you feeling?” Lisa asks.
“Still tired, but more normal. It feels good to get out of bed.”
Lisa pulls together some breakfast for me and I sit down with them at the table.
“Now that you’re mobile,” Raf takes a sip of his coffee. “When you’re done with breakfast, I have a surprise for you.” He tries to hide his smile when he says it, but I can see it in his eyes.
“What? What’s going on?”
“I’ll show you after you eat.”
I look to my aunt. She just grins as well. She knows what it is, but she’s not saying. They’re ganging up on me.
“What is it?” I look around as if I might spot something in a corner of the room. Raf has never gotten me a present before, unless you count the magazines and romance novel.
“It’s outside. I’ll show you after you finish your breakfast.”
I eat a few more bites of scrambled eggs as I think of what it could be. Why is it outside? He wouldn’t get me a car. Where would I park it? A bicycle? I never gave Raf any hints I wanted anything.
I put my fork down without finishing my breakfast and put my hands up. “I can’t take it anymore. I can eat later.”
“Okay. I can’t wait either,” Raf says as he gets up, wearing a huge grin on his face.
I’m still in my sweats, but I toss on a light jacket, slip on my shoes, and follow Raf out the front door. I don’t see anything new. Lisa joins us, following along.
Raf looks at me with both excitement and concern. “We’ve got to go a couple blocks. Are you okay to walk?”
The mystery and excitement have almost made me forget that I don’t feel 100%. The adrenaline is definitely enough to carry me a few blocks.
I hold on to Raf’s arm, and he leads us down the street. We head toward the bakery. Or at least the burnout where the bakery used to be.
As we get closer to Grays Ferry Triangle, I can hear machinery.
No way. Did he…?
Raf looks at me as we get closer. “It’s not much right now. But it’s a start.”