Page 114 of Ascending
“You can leave the palace now?”
“If I have to, yes. They’re still working their way through homes up north to see if they find anyone else, but they’re convinced the major risk is gone.”
“That’s so good, Lizzy.”
“You sound tired,” Elizabeth said.
“I am. It’s late here.”
“I’m sorry. I should let you sleep.”
“No, don’t go. I want to talk to you. I miss you.”
“I miss you, too, love,” Elizabeth said.
Palmer smiled and said, “So, the vote’s coming up.”
“A week away,” Elizabeth replied.
“I have to go to New Jersey tomorrow. I’m working on a quick piece, but I was thinking about taking a week off after that.”
“A week off?” Elizabeth asked.
“I bought a ticket today, babe.”
“To St. Rais?”
“Yes, Lizzy. I bought a ticket; I’m going to be there in three days.”
“Why did youbuyone, Palmer? I would have sent the plane for you, or you could’ve used the ticket I got for you already.”
“Those are for when the whole family visits in the summer. This one was just for me. And I don’t mind flying coach if it means I get to see you. I don’t need a private plane.”
“You’re really coming?” Elizabeth asked.
“Yes. I want to be there for you when you find out,” Palmer said.
“I love you,” Elizabeth replied.
“I love you.”
“Are you sure this is okay, Palmer? You just took time off for me. I don’t want you to get in any more trouble at work.”
“It’s fine. I cleared it with my boss.”
“I get to see you in three days?” Elizabeth asked.
Palmer could hear something in her voice.
“Are you crying?” Palmer asked.
“Yes, but they’re happy tears. I miss you so much already, and I didn’t think I’d get to see you for a while. I really needed you here for this vote, Palmer, but I didn’t want to ask because you’ve given me so much already.”
“Hey, you can always tell me what you need. I’ll do the best I can to give it to you,” Palmer told her softly.
“You can do the same with me. You know that, right?”
Palmer smiled to herself and said, “I know.”