Page 115 of Ascending
“I’ll pick you up at the airport,” Elizabeth promised.
“Can you really do that?” Palmer laughed.
“I’ll move stuff around. Just send me your flight information.”
“Elizabeth, I can just meet you at the palace. Oh, I didn’t book a hotel… Is that okay? I figured I’d just put my stuff in one of the guest rooms.”
“Put your stuff inmyroom.”
“Yeah. I’m not ready for the world to know – there’s too much going on this week – but I don’t care if the staff knows. Iwantthem to know, actually. I’ve already told Rebecca and Jenny about you. Thomas and Magnus know as well. I told them all today. I wanted them to know that if you call, you get put through no matter what. And if you’re here, you take priority over everyone else.”
“You told them?”
“What did Rebecca say?” Palmer asked and laughed at the thought.
“She smiled when I told her, actually. She said she’s glad I’m happy.”
“She did?”
“She likes you now. You did right by St. Rais and by me in your article. She appreciated that.”
“How did the rest of them take it?”
“Magnus wants me to be safe, so he said that if there’s someone else out there looking out for me, he’s happy about that. Thomas is trying to figure out how to keep it out of the news until if or when we want it to be news. Then, he wants to control the messaging.”
“When, Lizzy.”
“When what?”
“Whenwe want it to become news.”
“Sorry, I’m a little tired myself. What are you talking about?”
“I don’t want it to be anif, Elizabeth. I want you. I want people to know. I don’t care if you’re Queen of a country or just another person on the street – I want people to know we’re together; you’re my girlfriend, and I love you.”
“I love you, too, but there’s still a lot to work through, Palmer.”
“I know. I’m not asking you to come out right now. I’m just telling you what I know I’ll need one day.”
“Is that one day this week?” Elizabeth asked.
“No, it’s not.” Palmer laughed again.
“Okay. Then, let’s get through this week. We can talk about it when you get here.”
“That sounds good.” Palmer yawned.
“Get some sleep, my love. I’ll see you soon.”
“Have a good day, okay? I love you.”
“I love you, too.”