Page 112 of Appointing
“I’m confused by this. If I don’t have kids, Mari’s kids take over, butI’mregent if they’re not old enough?”
“Yes, Ma’am. This assumes you’re still alive, Ma’am; you’ve just not had children to carry the line.”
“And what if Mari doesn’t have children?”
“I’ve asked that Christian’s children follow next,” Elin replied.
“Does he want that?”
“We talked about it over the phone. He understands it likely wouldn’t be necessary, but that itmightbe, and that they’d have the same choice he’s making now one day,” Elin explained.
“Okay. Well, I guess it sounds fine with me.”
“Very well, Ma’am,” Markus said.
“What of the other matter we discussed?” Elin asked him.
He looked down at the portfolio and appeared nervous.
“I’m still working on that, Ma’am.”
“Working on it? What’s to work on?”
“Well, I just think it might not be the right time. We should focus on the line and the consecration.”
“What are you two talking about?” Lillian asked.
“I do have some other concerns, Ma’am,” Markus added.
“Other concerns?” Elin asked him.
“Yes. May I speak openly, Ma’am?”
“Sure,” Elin said impatiently.
“Well, Princess Lillian is twenty-seven and hasn’t yet… settled down.”
“I’m not married; that’s what he’s saying,” Lillian said. “Just spit it out, Markus.”
“Ma’am, I’m sorry, but if the Queen is insistent on not having children, the linewillfall to you and your children – which you don’t yet have, and it doesn’t appear they’re on the horizon anytime soon. That means Princess Mari’s children are incredibly important; at least, today.”
“Her non-existent children?” Lillian said.
“Yes, Ma’am. But that’s not actually the problem with the Princess: she’s in a relationship with a future King.”
“You’re worried that her children would be sovereign to another country.” Elin nodded.
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“He’s right: they would be the future Kings or Queens of Denmark. And if I don’t have kids for whatever reason, they’d also be the Kings or Queens of Norway.”
“Yes, Your Royal Highness,” Markus replied to Lillian. “I realize these events don’t seem likely to occur, but we’re in an interesting time for the Norwegian monarchy right now, and we must plan for all eventualities. I’d like to have open discussions with the current King of Denmark to create a plan where the two countries wouldnotbe united under one royal family.”
“Why?” Elin asked, clasping her hands in her lap.
“Because Norway is a sovereign nation with its own monarchy, Ma’am.”
“It wasn’t always,” Lillian noted just for the sake of it. “You can’t be worried about something that happened in the Middle Ages,” she said to Markus.