Page 113 of Appointing
In 1380, Olav IV succeeded to the thrones of both Norway andDenmark and was also King of Sweden. After his death, the three Scandinavian kingdoms were united under one crown. Olav’s death extinguished the Norwegian male royal line. Sweden later left the union, leaving Norway in an unequal union with a Danish King who had already embarked on centralizing the government of the union in Denmark.
After that, what remained of the Norwegian monarchs mostly resided abroad. This further weakened the monarchical governing structures of Norway. Then, there was the power struggle between the Norwegian nobles and the King that culminated at the same time as theProtestant Reformation. Both failed. The Norwegian Catholic bishops were replaced with Danes, and the Norwegian church was made Danish.
The Danes wanted Norway to be made a province under Denmark instead of a sovereign nation, so things didn’t get better for Norway. They got worse until the King allied Denmark-Norway with France during the Napoleonic Wars. When Napoleon lost, the King gave Norway to Sweden. Hegavethe country away. Then, Prince Christian Frederick, from which Elin’s brother received his name, participated in founding a Norwegian independence movement.
Norway declared independence in 1814, electing Christian Frederick as their King. A short war with Sweden led to the ousting of Christian Frederick and the election of Charles XIII of Swedenas King of Norway, creating a union between Sweden and Norway once again. All of this ended with the Norwegian monarchy eventually becoming a constitutional monarchy.
“Ma’am,” Markus went to object, “You know our nation’s history with Denmark. People would have a problem with the countries uniting under one royal family again.”
“Markus, people study that in history class in school; they don’t carry it with them throughout their lives. It hardly matters anymore,” Elin said.
“Itisstill something we need to discuss, Ma’am,” he replied.
“Well, it hardly matters; Iwantchildren,” Lillian stated. “And I’ll marry a man who also wants children. You don’t have to worry about Mari and Erik uniting the kingdoms with their children. They can run Denmark, if they want.”
Elin was getting a headache, so she rubbed her temples. This wasn’t what this meeting was supposed to be about, and it shouldn’t be anything they had to discuss today.
“Lillian, would you mind giving us a moment?”
“I thought I was supposed to sign something, probably in blood, indicating that I understand my role here,” Lillian replied.
“We can sign things later,” Elin said.
“Whatever you say.” Lillian stood up.
Markus stood abruptly and bowed, addressing Lillian, “Your Royal Highness.”
Lillian waved him off and left them in Elin’s office.
“Markus, what was all that about?”
“Pardon, Ma’am?”
“I told you I wanted to sign the papers and talk about Lillian’s title change.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Why didn’t we talk about her title change?”
“I’m still working on that, Ma’am.”
“What’s to work on? I’m no longer The Princess Royal.”
“It’s an honorary title, Ma’am. It–”
“Yes, and I’d like tohonormy sister with it,” she interrupted.
“After the consecration would be the best time, Ma’am. We’d prefer the country be focused on your ascension.”
“We?” she asked.
“Yes, Ma’am; Parliament and the Prime Minister, of course.”
“And my father?” she guessed.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am?”
“Nothing.” Elin sighed. “What was all the Norway and Denmark stuff, Markus?”