Page 42 of Sinful Kingdom
Silence follows. I picture a room full of terrifying men all glaring at each other. I might be willing to eavesdrop on them, but fuck being in there.
“I’m calling my boys in. When we get permission to end this, we need all the men we can get.”
“I’ll let the boss know.”
“And Luciana?” the yank reminds him.
“Of course. I know how to do my job, kid.”
“I might have lived a few less decades than you, old man, but don’t fucking patronise me. I could get this job done with or without your help.”
“Is that why you’re here needing our support?” Stefanos quips.
Footsteps descend the stairs, dragging my attention from the bickering men in favour of who’s about to catch me snooping.
“Evie,” my sister says suspiciously. “What are you doing?”
“For the record, I think waiting is the wrong thing to do. We don’t know what they’re planning. We—”
“Evie,” Blakely hisses. “Are you eavesdropping?”
“They’re missing, Blake. Our brother and my… my… Alex. I think I have every right to understand even a little bit of what’s going on.”
“It’s none of our business, Eve.”
“I don’t care. I need him. Them. The longer this goes on, the more they could be hurt and—”
“Fuck. Come on,” she says, wrapping her hand around my arm and tugging me toward the kitchen when a heavy chair scrapes against the wooden floor in the room I’m spying on.
“Ow, Blake,” I complain as her fingers dig into one of my cuts.
“I don’t want to sound unsympathetic here, but I think you’d prefer that to an entire room of deadly men catching you listening in on them.”
My mouth opens to argue, to tell her about Stefanos protecting me, but for some reason, the words never appear.
She stares at me expectantly, but then a door opens and deep male voices float down to us.
“Shit,” she hisses, jumping into action, grabbing a mug and kickstarting the coffee machine as the rumble of voices get louder.
Stepping up beside her, I watch the hallway as shadows get closer and then a group of tired, suited men step into the room. And I swear, as they do so, they suck the air right out of it.
Stefanos’s eyes lock on mine for a beat before shifting to my sister.
“Coffee?” she asks.
Daemon, Theo, and Nico follow, all heading in my direction before another man enters.
“Who the holy hell is that?” Blake whisper-hisses as the only man not dressed in a sharp black suit stalks through the large space.
“That is Reid Harris,” Theo says.
“And don’t get any ideas, he’s very much taken,” Nico warns.
“Pfft, he might be hot, but he’s too young for Blakely, ain’t that right, Sis?” I tease.
“Careful, don’t let my brother hear you confess to things like that,” Daemon warns darkly.