Page 43 of Sinful Kingdom
“He doesn’t need to worry. He might be pretty, but he’s not Alex.”
“You hear that, Reid?” Nico calls. “Alex’s girl reckons the twins are hotter than you.”
The hot, dangerous guy in question glances over at us, raises a brow and smirks.
“I think I just came,” my sister quips, making Nico and Theo laugh.
“Someone’s lacking action.”
“As she should be, living here with my father,” Daemon states.
“Oh, don’t start that again.” She waves Daemon off before focusing on Reid. “Can I interest you in a coffee?” she asks as Nico snorts ‘slag’ like an immature child.
“Coffee sounds great, thanks.”
“Oh, and he’s American.”
Ignoring her, I focus on Daemon.
“What’s going on? Do you have any news?”
He stares at me, his mask firmly in place, but there’s something in his eyes letting me know that he wants to tell me something but can’t. If it weren’t for knowing Alex as intimately as I do, then I’d probably miss the look, but I recognise it now.
“Nothing we can act on right away, but things are moving in the right direction.”
“You found them? Are they safe?” Blakely asks in a rush.
With Daemon and my sister distracted, I watch as Reid disappears out the door, heading in the opposite direction to Stefanos.
The second the coffee in the machine is done, I grab the mug and slip away.
At first, I don’t find him, but then a familiar scent hits my nose followed by a faint puff of smoke. Following it, I round the corner and find him tucked into the shadows, smoking a joint.
“You didn’t say how you liked it, so I guessed black and strong.”
“What gave me away?” he says coldly.
“Your exuberant personality,” I say with a smile.
He snorts, dropping what’s left of his joint and crushing it into the ground with his heavy boot.
“So you’re Evie,” he says, his eyes tracking down my body that’s only covered by another of Alex’s shirts.
“Yep. All of this,” I say, holding my arms out at my sides, “my fault.”
“Nah,” he says, scratching his scruff-heavy jaw. “You’ve no idea how much you’ve helped me out. Because of you, we might just end all this bullshit.”
“Then I guess… you’re welcome.”
I shift awkwardly on my feet as he continues studying me. There’s no interest there, confirming what Nico said inside about him being taken. It’s more… curiosity.
He just saw me standing like this beside my bombshell of a sister. It’s a look I’m fairly used to.
“How are you feeling? I heard you’ve been through it.”
“Just a few scratches,” I say with a shrug. “Could have been worse.”
“You were lucky. The men chasing you, they’re dangerous.”