Page 6 of Sinful Stolen Knight
“You know. It’s been a while since we partied together. Maybe that’s what you need to get out of your dry spell. I’ll even let her pay you attention first. I’m having her arse, though.”
“There is something fucking wrong with you.”
“Fuck off. You love it and you know it.” Stepping up next to him as we descend the stairs, I throw my arm around his shoulder and grin. “Let me show you how big brother does it.”
“Fuck you, man. Fuck you.”
I’m still laughing as we hit the ground floor and round the corner.
“Oh fuck me, yes. Daddy sure has nailed this party planning lark,” I announce as girls dressed up in sexy little Santa dresses fill the open-plan dining room and kitchen. Some have trays in their hands loaded with drinks and canapés, and others are already entertaining the men who’ve arrived.
“Seems like the perfect night to remind yourself just how much you need to let off some steam, don’t you think?” I leave him behind, allowing my words to sink in and march up to the first girl I find. “Evenin’, sweetheart. What have you got for me?”
Miss Claus’s eyes light up with obvious interest before they drop down my body. I don’t need to look back to know Daemon is shaking his head at me, I feel his judgement. And frankly, I don’t fucking care.
“Nothing fancy,” the server says, “Just straight-up whisky.”
“Like getting straight to the point, huh?” I drawl with a quirk in my brow, reaching out for a glass.
“Just what I was told to serve,” she says, that sparkle that I’m sure was there when I first closed in on her, seeming to diminish a little.
“You know I live here, right?”
“Good God, A. Let the poor woman do her job,” Daemon says, stepping up behind me, reaching for a drink and steering me away.
“Hey, she wanted me.”
“She really fucking didn’t.”
We walk through the kitchen and dining room, greeting Dad’s guests.
We know them all. We’ve grown up with most of them. Although, our real friend’s dads are noticeably absent tonight. Preferring to spend the holidays with their families instead of trying it on with the entertainment Dad always provides.
“Evening, boys,” Christos says as we pass him where he’s talking to a group of others. “Feeling lucky tonight?”
“Alex is,” Daemon says, making a show of messing up my hair like a child.
“You know, if you keep it up, I’m not going to share,” I sulk as we keep moving toward the room Dad has set up to replicate the casino at the Empire.
When Mum was here, he’d rarely get to host these kinds of parties. They were much less frequent and a hell of a lot tamer back then. He was forced to take the wilder events to the casino which left Daemon and me here wondering what it would be like to finally be pulled into this world of debauchery we knew Dad had set up.
Having these nights hosted here is about the only good thing that came out of Mum and Dad separating. Now, Dad gets to let go at home and we get to be here for the ride… quite often literally.
I’ve no idea where he finds these girls, but damn, they’re kinky as fuck. And those who aren’t so forward still look fucking good in the outfits they turn up in.
“Welcome to heaven, Brother,” I tease as we emerge into the formal dining room where all the action is taking place.
Card tables are spread out around the room with platforms for the girls to dance on in between. There’s a sexy Santa currently up on each of them, showing off their moves and allowing us to look directly up their shorter-than-short dresses. Right now, they all seem to be wearing underwear, not that I’m looking that closely, of course. But as the hours go on, the alcohol and cocaine goes down, things will take a much wilder turn.
And I am fucking here for it.
“Isn’t he too old for all this?” Daemon asks, looking totally unfazed by the scene playing out before us.
“He’s just reliving his youth.” Mum and Dad had us young, and until recently, they did right by us and the vows they made when they were just kids. But something had to give. Neither of them were happy. We could see it. Hell, everyone could see it. And while I miss the hell out of Mum, I know they did the right thing.
Since they’ve gone their own ways, they both smile more and they’ve returned to the parents we both knew and loved before things began to get toxic.
I don’t know the whole story of what happened, and quite frankly, I don’t want to. Their marriage is their business, but I can’t help but wonder if the kind of antics the men get up to on these nights might have had something to do with it.