Page 7 of Sinful Stolen Knight
Mum has never accused Dad of cheating, but come on…
I scan the room again, taking in the temptation surrounding me and I can’t help but wonder.
It’s like throwing a kid into a sweet shop. There aren’t many who’d be able to behave and go home empty-handed… or with a sac still full of cum.
My eyes pause on one of the girls. There are a few I recognise from previous events and shifts at the Empire, but this brunette isn’t one of them. But the way she moves her hips to the beat of the song that’s filling the room is mesmerising.
“Jesus Christ, you’re like a bitch in heat,” Daemon mutters. “I’m going for another drink.”
It takes a good few seconds for those words to register and by the time I rip my eyes away from the dancer, he’s already through the doorway and too far away to call back.
Fucking pussy.
“Alex, over here,” Dad calls. “Come see how a real man does it.”
Shaking my head, I take a step toward where he is, more than happy that he happens to be sitting directly beneath the girl who captured my attention.
I keep my focus on her as I move closer, and the second our eyes collide, my heart sinks.
“Fuck,” I hiss under my breath as reality slams into me.
She hasn’t always been a brunette. The last—and only—time I got close to her, she was a blonde, and really, really not into me. My balls shrivel up at the memory alone of her knee colliding with it.
Trying to recover from the fact I was imagining her with her Santa dress around her waist while she bounced up and down on my dick, I nod at her and continue toward Dad.
“Was that your brother I just saw leave the room as fast as he entered?”
“Yep,” I agree as I’m dealt some cards. “At least he showed his face,” I mutter, glaring at Dad in the hope of finding out what he has over D to make him turn up tonight.
But as ever, Dad is as stoic as they come and I get nothing from his expression.
“Here,” he says, sliding some chips my way.
“I thought you liked to win money, not watch it go down the drain,” Michail, Isla’s dad, taunts as he comes to join us.
“His losing streak has to come to an end at some point,” Dad mutters, making me feel about six inches tall.
Yeah, okay, so poker isn’t really my game. I’m so bad there’s no way I’d put my own money on the line. But if Dad’s willing to hand some over then I’m all game.
As he said, my luck has to change at some point… right?
By some miracle, I manage to keep myself busy in the kitchen while all the other Santas—who are way sexier and much more confident than me—keep returning for refills.
I wince every time I empty a bottle. I might not recognise the brands of the whisky, vodka, and rum we’re serving the gentlemen—use that term lightly—tonight but I’m not stupid enough to think each one we throw away isn’t worth more than I usually would make in an entire shift.
“You know, you need to get out there at some point, right?” Charlie says when she returns with yet another empty tray.
She’s the first person who found me after I somewhat nervously exited the car in the driveway to this millionaire’s mansion on the rich side of the city. A place I hardly ever venture to.
I’m pretty sure my fear and my need to turn and run were palpable. But she took me under her wing, promised me that it wouldn’t be as bad as what my mind made it out to be, and directed me toward the back entrance of the house. Obviously, the workers aren’t good enough to use the actual front door.
“Yeah, I know,” I mutter under my breath. “But I’m okay here.”
She shakes her head at me and accepts her refilled tray. She might head off into the masses once more, but I know my time is coming to an end. Sometime soon, she’s going to drag me from behind this counter and thrust me into the middle of a room full of drunk men while wearing this… this… monstrosity. I can’t even call it an outfit.