Page 106 of Bear
“Calvin mentioned it before…before Barrett killed him. He said Mom wrote him a letter forgiving him, telling him she was going to take her life.”
“I wish I could have seen that letter. Wish I had known what…” He shakes his head. “But I’ve got no one to blame but myself. She did die from a head trauma. It was just one that she gave herself. It was all my fault. I thought she was getting better, that what he did wasn’t haunting her as much after you were born. I should’ve known that pain would never end. I should’ve got her help. Your mama thought…she didn’t think I still loved her, even though I told her every day and night I loved her more every second of my life.”
“I’m sorry, Dad.” I wince after that last word passes my lips.
“I’m not telling you this shit to get sympathy,” he huffs. “I’m telling you because you deserve the truth. Hell, I told myself, ‘She’s too young,’ or ‘I don’t want to hurt her,’ but the truth was I didn’t want to hurt myself by dragging it all out again. I know how heavy it is, and I just couldn’t face putting it on you.”
“It never occurred to you that sharing with me might have, I don’t know, lightened your burden? Might have helped explain a lot of things, the way you’ve treated me, for instance?”
“No. It never occurred to me that sharing with you how your mother died would somehow be helpful! It’s haunted me for twenty years, Lyla. How was I supposed to just dump it on you?”
“So, what changed your mind now, today? Just because Bear forced your hand? Is that the only reason you’re finally coming clean?”
“I’m not going to lie to you anymore, Lyla. He’s part of the reason, yeah. When you were younger, I always worried that you were too…lonely to handle this shit. You’ve got some good people around you now, some good support.”
“Well, I appreciate it. Thank you, Dad.” The word comes out easier this time.
He wraps me in a tight hug, and before he pulls away, he says, “Don’t tell your sister, but you’ve always been my favorite. Now, try to forgive the asshole inside. He’s been a mess without you.”
“I’m just here to support the nonprofit.”
“Bullshit,” he says. “You love him. Couldn’t stop if you tried.”
“How did you know?”
“Because that’s what happens when you love someone.”
“So, what do you think of Rockland? If you would rather be in a bigger city, I could check with a few other chapters.”
“Rockland’s not so bad,” Hollis says as he glances around the room. “Seems like a good group of men.”
“So you’re in?” I ask him. While I don’t want to pressure him to make a decision, it would be nice to sign up at least one prospect.
“I’m still considering it. Maybe I’ll stick around, stay at the motel a few more days to get a feel for the place.”
“Sounds good. Why don’t you go ahead and fill out the prospect application form, just in case? The background checks take weeks to complete.”
“Yeah, okay,” he agrees, so I turn around to grab him a clipboard from the front table.
That’s when I see her. Either Lyla just showed up, or I’m imagining her again.
“Thanks,” Hollis tells me when he takes the clipboard from my frozen hands. I haven’t moved or breathed since she walked in the door.
The beautiful redhead holds my gaze as she comes closer, then finally speaks. “Congratulations on the opening.”
“You’re here?”
“I was in town, brought Thane to get his bike, so I figured I would stop by to see how it turned out. The place looks great.”
“All thanks to you,” I remind her. “So, um, how are things in Atlanta?”
“I miss…home. It’s nice to be back.”
“Everyone misses you, especially your dad.”
“You two been in touch?”