Page 107 of Bear
“A few times a week, I stop by his bar to ask about you.”
“You go to ask him about me?”
“He’s definitely warming up to me – well, after he gave me a black eye for running my mouth to you.”
“He punched you?”
I shrug. “I deserved it.”
“No, you didn’t. You didn’t deserve to be hit, and…you didn’t deserve for me to badger you until you told me what my father should have told me years ago.”
“You can’t deny that we both kept it from you because we didn’t want to hurt you.”
“I know,” she replies with a heavy sigh. “Most of the time, I wish I hadn’t forced it out of you. I’m okay, though. I’ve got a therapist I’ve been talking to virtually, trying to work through it all.”
“That’s good. I’m glad you have someone. Other than Thane.”
“He really hates Atlanta traffic, and our apartment is tiny.”
“Oh yeah?” They live together. Just the thought makes my heart shrivel and die inside of my chest. Why am I surprised?
“We still have our own rooms, though.”
“It’s none of my business…”
“Bear, I miss you, okay? Yes, I’m angry at you and my father, but I still love you both. I thought maybe you felt the same.”
“I did. I do!”
“So then, why didn’t you call?”
I stare at her waiting for her to figure that out on her own. When she doesn’t, I remind her. “What the hell, Lyla? You blocked my number!”
Now she looks at me like I’m nuts. “No, I didn’t.”
“You did. The day you left. And when I couldn’t get you on the phone, I showed up in Atlanta! Thane said you didn’t want to see me.”
“You came to see me? In Atlanta?”
“Yes! And I felt like a fool for driving all the way down there on my bike just to be blown off.”
“He never told me. Why didn’t he tell me?” she whispers.
“There’s that son of a bitch.” I point to him, and Lyla shouts his name. “Thane!”
A moment later, the biker is beside her, shoving a cupcake in his mouth. When he finishes it, there’s a grin on his face as he looks between us. “What? You two made up yet?”
“We might have made up earlier if you had told her I came to see her!” I yell at him.
“Oh. Sorry about that, and for blocking your number on Lyla’s phone.”
“You did what?” she huffs.
“I thought you were trying to get over him. Why else would you move three states away?” he remarks. “But it all worked out, right?Some would even say I helped. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that.”
“I’m gonna kill you!” Lyla tells him.
“You know I’m right. You needed time and space at first, not this prick hounding you.”