Page 45 of Ruger
“Once in a while, a woman might decline and call me an asshole for being honest, but most of the time, they’re fine with it.”
“Because they think they’ll be the one to change your mind, make you want more.”
“Is that what women think?” I ask him.
“I don’t know. Maybe. They like a challenge as much as men do,” he says. “But we’re way off track now. You keep thinking about the bathroom kiss with Thane?”
“Yes. And maybe it’s just because it was my first with, you know, another man?”
“The taboo aspect of it?”
“The what?”
“Taboo. The thrill of doing something that some people still consider forbidden.”
“Yeah, like that.”
“I get it, being curious and excited about crossing lines you know you shouldn’t. Been there, done that. It was fun at first, until you realize you’re being manipulated by the man who was supposed to be faithful to your mother, so you tell him it’s over, but he blackmails you into doing other things you’re not really into with him.”
“Jesus, Jordan.”
“I wasn’t totally innocent in the situation. I should’ve told someone, told my mom the first time he touched me. I didn’t, and then it felt like I couldn’t tell her without fessing up to all my own mistakes.”
“None of that was your fault,” I assure him. “You were a kid. You still are. Kids make mistakes, especially horny ones. Grown-ass men who are married to women shouldn’t be sneaking around with anyone else, much less their stepson.”
“Enough about me,” Jordan says as he gets to his feet and stands in front of me. “Let’s get back to you and your near panic attack over finding out Thane was shot. Are you thinking about it? Taking a chance with him if he makes it?”
“Is that stupid?” I ask him. “After what he did and…”
“No, RJ. It’s not stupid to follow your heart.”
“I’m not sure if it’s my heart. Probably just my curious dick. I don’t know the first thing about how two men…”
“You’ll figure it out as you go. And if you need to do research, there’s plenty of pornos for reference.”
“What if we do things and I don’t like it?”
“Then you don’t do it again. But like my mom told me when I refused to taste a bite of her Cherry Garcia ice cream, don’t knock it until you try it.”
“Did you like it after you tried it?”
Chuckling, he says, “Yes, but I’ll never admit it to her.”
“You think Thane will make it?” I ask Jordan as my fingers grip the edge of the metal bench.
“I think you should always hope for the best. My mom nearly died a few months ago, but the surgeons saved her. They’ll do everything they can to save Thane too.”
Feeling more hopeful for his recovery and confident in my decision to take him up on his offer for more, I get to my feet.
“Ready to go back in, boss?”
“Yeah. And we owe Lyla for calming shit down. I didn’t even think about the Devil Hounds accusing us of shooting Thane.”
“Me neither.”