Page 46 of Ruger
“Maybe we can grab her a coffee? See if she needs anything,” I suggest.
“Yeah, other than clean clothes.”
Back inside the hospital, Jordan and I find the cafeteria and then head straight to the surgical waiting room.
Lyla’s sitting just inside the door on one of the sofas, her arms wrapped around her raised legs, thankfully now in clean clothes. Several members of the Devil Hounds are standing around, pacing, or slumped in chairs. They glare at us but don’t come to throw us out.
“Coffee?” I ask, holding out the Styrofoam cup of coffee to Lyla.
She looks up at me in surprise and gives me a small smile. “Thanks. That’s just what I needed.”
Before she can take the first sip, I ask the question burning my throat. “Have they given you any new updates?”
She points to an electronic board on the wall. There’s a long list of numbers and shit. “The doctor just told us the surgery went well, and they’re taking him to recovery.”
Oh, thank fuck.
“He said that when the status update provides a room number on the screen that we can see him two at a time.”
“So, he’s going to be okay?” I ask just to be sure.
I open my mouth to ask if I can go see him, but that may be asking too much with all his friends still here.
“It’s really nice of you to be here for him. I didn’t know you and Thane were friends.”
“We’re not,” I blurt out. I look over my shoulder at Jordan. “Thane kidnapped my prospect.”
“Oh. Then why…”
All I can do is shrug since I’m not going to tell her the whole story. “I don’t know. Especially since your dad’s friends look like they want to shoot me.”
She winces and says, “They’re upset about what happened. Don’t take it personally.” Then, “Does Barrett know you’re here?”
“No.” Oh, shit. Barrett. I should’ve called him and told him about what went down with Lyla. He’ll be furious when he finds out…
“Just wondering, you know, if he had heard about what happened.”
A pinging noise suddenly goes off throughout the room. All of the Devil Hounds check their phones like they all got a message at the exact same time. Some glance over at me and Lyla.
I try to ignore them all as I walk just outside the waiting room door to stand and wait with Jordan rather than take up one of the chairs of the men. One of Thane’s actual friends.
When Lyla stands up, I stop pacing to see what’s going on. A dozen or so of the Devil Hounds surround her.
“I’m just going to see Thane!” she informs them. “It was my fault – he was with me when he got hurt. I want to see him first.”
“I’ll go with her,” one of the younger Devil Hounds offers.
When we try to follow the two of them down the hallway, Lyla looks over her shoulder and says, “You two need to stay here. Only two visitors at a time. Go sit down!”
But since my feet are hurting from the pacing and Jordan looks like he’s tired of slumping against the wall, I nod toward the waiting room.