Page 20 of Waiting For You
Well, technically, he fucked me, not that I’d ever tell Quinn that.
“None of your business,” I reply, and he rolls his eyes. That one movement is so like Joshua that I let go of him and step away. What the fuck was I thinking, holding on to him like that?
“As I live and breathe. It’s been a hot minute,” Robert says, approaching us and letting out a long whistle. He looks just as good as he did years ago. He still has a muscular torso that fills out the t-shirt he’s wearing well, and thick, hairy legs that I used to obsess over. On his right shoulder is an African Grey parrot, Tattletale, who lives up to his name.
Little shit.
“So, this is your type?” Quinn huffs, his eyes roving over Robert. “Do you usually like men with birds? I can get a fucking bird.”
I ignore his murmurs and take in the man standing before me. He’s grown a beard since we last saw each other and it looks good on him, making him look more rugged than when we were together. I’ve always liked rugged men.
When I say I have a type, I have a type. And Quinn is not my type.
Which is why he and I make no sense.
“Nice to see you, Grey,” Robert says, coming to a stop in front of me.
Tattletale eyes me with his beady pupils. Birds are smart fuckers. I bet he remembers me. Oh god, I hope he doesn’t repeat anything I said during sex all those years ago. Should have kept my mouth shut while I was getting fucked, but damn, it’s hard for me to be quiet.
I get really, really loud.
I nod, trying not to make eye contact with Tattletale, but doing a horrible job. He’s watching me.
“Yeah, Robert. Nice to see you too. How have you been?” I ask, forcing my eyes to remain on his.
“Good, really good.” He shifts on his feet and then smirks at me. “You look really good too. Been working out?”
I mean, no. If anything, I’ve gained a little cushion around my middle since we were together, but I don’t say that.
“Bet that bird shits on your shirt, huh?” Quinn says and a laugh snorts out of me. Because it so does.
Robert’s eyes swivel to Quinn, and Quinn stands a little taller.
“Who’s this?” he asks. “Your son’s friend? He here?”
It bugs me that he remembers things about Joshua. When we were fucking, we didn’t talk much about our personal lives. I must have mentioned that I had a son at some point.
Makes me uncomfortable that I shared that info with a practical stranger.
“No, he’s not,” I say but before I can explain, Quinn is reaching his hand out in front of him.
“Hi, weird bird-man. I’m Quinn. Nice to meet you.”
Robert eyes Quinn and then slips his big paw in his, a chuckle escaping his mouth.
“I’m Robert. Grey and I go way back.”
I mean, I wouldn’t sayway back. That infers some kind of long-lasting relationship. He bent me over a few times. Nothing more.
I watch their clasped hands pump up and down between them. I don’t like it, them touching, and a breath I didn’t realize I was holding leaves me as soon they release each other.
“Well, this is just a crazy coincidence, seeing you. What are you two doing up here? A little vacation?” Robert asks, turning his warm, hazel gaze back to mine. Tattletale’s long talons grip his shoulder and I shudder. Robert tried to get me to hold Tattletale once and it creeped me out.
I’m not a fan of birds with their pointy beaks and their long claws. They’re basically demons with wings and beady eyes.
“Yeah. Just a short trip,” I say. “Quinn hasn’t ever been to the UP.”
“Oh yeah?” Robert asks. “Shame. It’s gorgeous up here. Like traveling back in time. How long are you two up here for?”