Page 21 of Waiting For You
“Two weeks,” Quinn says and then moves closer to me. “Grey and I have the whole trip planned out.”
Well, that sounds like we planned this together, but I don’t get a chance to clarify because Tattletale squawks loudly, causing Robert to prattle on once more.
But Robert is one ofthose. He liked the sound of his own voice too much. If I let him, he’d chatter on for hours. And I usually let him because how the fuck do younicelytell someone to shut up?
You don’t. You fucking don’t.
And listen, when Robert stops talking, his bird starts up. It’s like nonstop chatter. Just constant squawking.
“Where are you two headed today? I don’t really have much planned…”
Oh shit. Oh, yes. I’d forgotten this about him too. He used to always hint at doing things, never outright saying what he wanted. Used to drive me crazy.
“We’re actually going to the Soo today,” Quinn replies, and my eyebrows shoot up. So he must have really looked at the itinerary. Memorized it, in fact, because even I didn’t remember what we had planned for today.
“No shit, that sounds like fun. Mind if I tag along?” Robert asks. “I’d really like to catch up with you, Grey. It’s been so long.”
Quinn stiffens next to me, eyeing me, waiting for my answer. Both sets of eyes are on me now and I’m starting to sweat. Tattletales are on me too. He hasn’t even moved his head, but his unblinking little eyes are carefully focused on me.
“Peekaboo,” he squawks suddenly, and I jump a little.
Fucker. God, I hate that bird.
“Uh. Yeah. Sure,” I reply, wanting him to just go away. But my response makes Quinn’s eyebrows meet in frustration.
“For real?” he huffs so softly, only I catch it.
Robert smiles widely. “Awesome. Cool. I just need to get ready and then we can leave. How about in thirty minutes? Does that work?”
“You gonna bring the bird?” Quinn asks, and Robert startles a little, almost like he forgot Quinn was there.
“Won’t he fly off?”
“Nah, he can’t fly anymore and he gets lonely when I leave him for too long. Parrots are really social, can’t leave him alone for hours like that. Would be inhumane,” Robert winks at me and then reaches out, touching my shoulder a little too intimately. It lingers, warm and hot against my shirt, and I start to squirm.
Don’t know what I ever saw in this guy, other than his thick thighs and his broad shoulders. Looking back, the sex wasn’t even that great.
“Gonna go get changed and then we can head out?” he asks me, squeezing me a little too roughly.
“Yeah. That works,” I mutter, and then Robert is off, leaving me to watch him go, Quinn still at my side.
“God, he seems like a chatty asshole and he literally has bird shit on his back,” Quinn says, and a chuckle bubbles out of my throat.
“I forgot that about the bird.”
“It’s weird, Grey, that he totes it around on his shoulder. Like a fucking pirate.”
“Yeah, well, we all have our quirks.”
“He’s also a Neanderthal,” Quinn mutters, his brows still furrowed. “His muscles are too…big. He can barely walk. I mean, honestly…”
“Be nice,” I chastise lightly, and Quinn’s cheeks redden.
“Ugh, fine, I’ll be nice for you. But why did you agree to let him tag along? Do you still have a thing for him?”
“Huh?” I ask, my eyebrows meeting my hairline because I haven’t thought of Robert in ages. I’d forgotten he existed, to be honest.