Page 44 of Becoming Bennet
I shrug, scuffing my foot in the dirt. “It was okay. I didn’t know anything else my entire life. Thiswasmy life. Until I started to read. And I read a shit-ton, Jasper. Everything I could get my hands on. I read about faraway places, places that were noisy and filled with people, that were cramped and stuffed. Places you could get lost in. I wanted to go there.”
“And you did. You moved to San Diego.”
“Yeah, I moved. I couldn’t run fast enough. But I miss it, you know? I miss the silence and the space. Well, sometimes.”
“And the animals,” he adds, and I nod, reaching out to pet Winnie too.
“Yeah, but I don’t miss it that much. I like the life I’ve built. I’m really proud of the life I’ve made.” I suddenly feel a little vulnerable, fidgeting in my stance and looking everywhere but at him.
I can’t keep my eyes off him for long though, and he’s just watching me intently, almost like he’s trying to get a read on me. Then he shoves at Winnie, trying to get her to move. When she doesn’t budge, I snort a laugh.
“She wants more pats. You do realize cows are just like giant dogs, right?”
“Apparently,” he murmurs and shoves at her again, but to no avail.
I end up having to lead her away to her stall where I plan on showing Jasper how to milk a cow. I know he said he’d never do this but I really want to see if he’ll put his reservations aside and try. I never expected Jasper to do half the things he’s done out here, to be honest. I expected him to be less flexible, more of a stick in the mud. But he’s not. He’s adventurous in his own way.
Jasper follows me into the stall, sliding against the wall to avoid Winnie’s back legs and stepping around a pile of manure. And when he sees me sit down on a stool and pull another one up next to me, he doesn’t look convinced, eyeing the swollen udders with revulsion.
“I cannot believe you’re asking me to do this,” he murmurs. “This is not what I expected to do when I flew out here.”
Yeah, not what he expected alright, but he’s here. With me. He’s stuck around, and I fucking appreciate it. I want to show him my appreciation right here in the damn barn. Wanna sink to my knees and suck his dick.
God, that dick.
My eyes go to his crotch, but Jasper’s eyes are focused on the cow, his hands forming into fists over and over again, almost in anticipation of this. Then he plops down next to me and breathes deeply through his nose.
“Okay, fine. Show me how to do it.”
I chuckle, leaning forward and showing him the motion to milk her. Winnie is used to it—not bothered at all, and honestly probably a little relieved—but Jasper’s touch is hesitant when he reaches for her, and she must sense it.
She lets out a long moo, probably in encouragement, but Jasper overreacts and jumps back, nearly toppling off the stool.
He raises his hands in surrender, shaking his head quickly. “Nope. No way. I’ll buy my milk from the store, thank you. The udder is too soft, it’s creepy. I can’t touch it. I can’t.”
I chuckle, shaking my head at him because he’s fucking ridiculous. Ridiculously cute when he’s all flustered.
“Come on, it’s not so bad.”
He swallows and shakes his head. “I’d rather feed the pigs.”
“Alright, but at least watch how I do it. You have to do this motion,” I say, leaning forward and adjusting the metal bucket beneath her. Jasper’s eyes are fixed on my hands as I finish up milking Winnie.
“What do you do with the milk when you’re done?” he asks.
“I’ll put it in a container and put it in the fridge.”
“Can you drink it…just like that?” he asks, and I nod.
“It’s pretty good actually. You should try it.”
He shakes his head, swallowing. “I dunno. Maybe. We’ll see.”
I grab the bucket and then lead Winnie off to graze the grass until tonight when I’ll tuck her safely into the barn. Jasper follows next to me closely, on the lookout for more loose animals. His hand slips into mine, and I hold on to it tightly as my eyes trail over to him, my heart fluttering as I think about kissing him yet again. We’ve never done that, not that I haven’t fantasized about pressing my lips against his sassy mouth.
There are so many things I want to do to it.
“After you put the milk away, do you think we can like…go to town or something. I need to get away from farm life. Maybe grab some coffee or something.” His eyes meet mine, pleading, desperate. And my cock immediately perks up. “I need civilization, Bennet.”