Page 45 of Becoming Bennet
My lips tilt up at how forlorn he sounds, but I totally get it. I could use a fancy latte right about now. No shame to the old coffee pot in the kitchen here, but a guy needs whipped cream and chocolate drizzle sometimes.
Oh. Yes. That could be fun.
I eye Jasper mischievously, and his eyes narrow. “What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing,” I say innocently. “Let’s go get you some civilized coffee.”
“Are you fucking with me? Is this why you were smiling, you asshole? This is not civilization,” I say as we cruise down the main street in our rental truck, Bennet behind the wheel. He just smiles at me, shaking his head like I’m the ridiculous one. Well, I saw this downtown on our way in, and it’s just as small as I remember. Just a wisp of buildings and then…nothing.
“This is plenty civilized,” he says. “It’s just fine.”
I roll my eyes because I mean, did I really want to drive an hour to get to a big city? Not really, but when I said civilization, I didn’t mean this. This town is just so tiny. I mean, there are like five stores. What’s inside of them? Do they get business? Does Amazon even ship out here?
“Do you get Amazon deliveries out here?” I blurt, and Bennet side-eyes me.
“Yep. Although they leave the packages at the end of the drive most times.”
I gasp, unsure of what to think. “But what if it gets stolen?”
Bennet chuckles softly. “Who’s gonna steal it? A beaver?”
I huff, feeling silly. “They might like it for their dams. You never know. They are wild animals after all. They’re unpredictable.”
Bennet laughs a little more and then reaches out and tugs on my ear. “You’re cute.”
“I’m sexy,” I reply back without any heat. I like that he thinks I’m cute…deep down. I’d never admit it. Not in a million years.
“You are that too,” he says as he navigates the truck into a parking lot, and I just stare at it because why are there trucks parked everywhere? I mean, does this state not believe in compact cars? I don’t know why I’m surprised, but I am.
“If I moved here and got a scooter, would I be shot?” I ask, and Bennet scoffs.
“You thinking about moving to Kansas? Have its wild plains lured you in?”
“Hell no, just wondering. I do that sometimes.”
Bennet runs a hand over his face that’s slightly stubbled from not shaving, and I hear the scrape of it on his palm. It reminds me of sex. Everything about this man reminds me of fucking.
“Well, you wouldn’t be shot, but you would be stared at and gossiped about.”
I mull that over. I couldn’t survive a bullet wound, but a few old ladies blathering about me is tolerable.
“Are the gossip mills really like the movies in small towns like this?”
“Yep, it’s easy to gossip when you all know each other,” he says and then my eyes swivel back to the parking lot, looking at a covered trailer attached to one of the trucks, which is taking up four spots. But no one seems to notice or is bothered by the fact that this guy is kind of a douche. In California there would be an uproar, maybe even a note stuck to the windshield. We can get really passive-aggressive about it out on the West Coast. Everyone is probably too friendly over here to do anything about it.
“Alright, enough ogling, let’s go.”
I look up at the sign on the building that says “Town and Country Family” Store and frown because what the fuck is this?
“I thought we were going to get coffee? This is not a Starbucks.”
Bennet grins at me as he turns off the truck and jumps out. “Oh, we’re getting coffee. Come on.”
But my ass does not move. Nope. It just sits stubbornly in the cab of the truck. He’s trying to trick me. This is a motherfucking prank.