Page 78 of Raven
“You’ve got your plotting smile on,” Porter whispered, his breath tickling my neck.
I glanced up, shrugging one shoulder, not denying or confirming his assessment. Internally, I loved the fact he knew my different smiles.
“I want in. Please?” His begging lit a fire in me, and I remembered what I’d discovered on our drives. I pulled his head lower to whisper in his ear.
“Will you be a good boy and do exactly as your mistress commands?”
Porter shivered underneath me, his dick twitching at my words.
“Yes, mistress. I’ll do whatever you ask. Please command me.”
Smirking, I trailed my fingers up his neck and to the nape of his head. “Very well. When we finish this mission, here’s what I want to do.”
As I explained my plans to Porter, his cock pressed harder into my ass, and his hands tightened on me. His body trembled with need, and his breathing became labored. Porter’s arousal was liquid fire, lighting me up inside. Kissing his cheek, I stood and retreated to the bedroom to prepare. I’d never been more ready to finish a job than I was right now.
On the other side of punishing Jerome was living the dream with my guys, and nothing would take that from me.
I double-checkedthe line I’d connected from the rooftop of the building Phoenix was stationed in to the one Jerome inhabited. Satisfied everything was secure, I moved to the escape hatch I’d discovered. The hatch hadn’t been on any blueprints, but I’d had a hunch after finding invoices and parts ordered after Jerome had moved in. With Phoenix’s help, we’d been able to track down the construction company and access their plans.
Now I had a secret way in and insurance that Jerome couldn’t escape since we’d blocked the rest of it shut. If he tried to use it, he’d find himself with compound fractures on both legs. Falling feet first into concrete would end with him at the least in a full-body cast, or at the most… dead. Win-win if you asked me.
Using the drill, I removed the lid and set it off to the side. I secured a second rope in case we needed to use this as a way out. My arms grimaced in thought, hoping it wouldn’t be required. I still hadn’t gotten around to doing that extra cardio or weight training I kept saying I needed.
Oh, well. Nothing I could do about it now. I was pretty sure hand jobs weren’t included in the training regiment. Bummer.
I sat on the edge, my feet swinging into the open space. My pack was secured onto my back, and I’d successfully completed all my tasks. It was go time.
“LB in position. PR?” I asked over the comms Phoenix had set up.
“We’ve made it to the top floor. That elevator shaft was hardcore,” Porter said, breathing heavily over the earpiece.
“OP?” I asked.
“Secure. We’ve got our eyes on you. On your go, I’ll deactivate the security system. You’ll have intervals of twenty seconds to get in before it resets.”
“I’m ready. Sound off,” I whispered, my hands gripping the edge as I braced myself inside the chute.
“Ready,” Porter said.
“On my mark,” Phoenix started. “One, two, go!”
At his command, I let go and slid down the chute, keeping my arms close to my side as I counted in my head. I needed to stop fifteen feet down, or I’d go too far and miss my window.
“Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen.” My hands and legs shot out as I stopped myself, my body moving down a few extra feet. I quickly kicked out the panel on the left, swung my body through the opening, and landed on the four-inch beam. I steadied myself just as Phoenix shouted the alarm was back.
“Everyone good?” I asked, my breathing labored from the move. I hadn’t had to do it that quickly in all the times I’d practiced this. So I’d been confident I could do it, but there had been an ounce of fear I wouldn’t make it in time.
“First guard is down, and we’ve made it through the stairwell door. What did you put in that dart, Rave?” Porter asked, choking back his laughter.
“I’ll tell you later,” I said, smiling at my newest invention—knockout with a side of molly. He’d be humping the floor in his dreams, too blissed out to do anything if he did wake up before we were gone. I was thinking of calling it dreamscape.
“We’re almost through our window, and then I can jump back in. On my mark,” Phoenix said, his business voice sending shivers through me.