Page 47 of Mercilessly Bred
“Stay,” she said. “Please.”
I knew I shouldn’t. It was too hard to deal with the memories of my lost love. I was a haunted man. But Belle’s big brown eyes pleaded with me. I couldn’t tell her no, not tonight. It was hard enough to keep my distance from her this past month.
“Fine,” I said, lying back down. Belle let out a happy sigh as her arm came around my chest, her eyes closing.
“You know what I’d like to do?” she asked, her entire body relaxing. “I’ve always wanted to ride a horse by myself.”
I don’t know where this sleepy statement came from. Maybe it was something she’d been thinking about for a while. My first instinct was to tell her no, it was too dangerous, but I was feeling soft right now. She picked the perfect time to bring this up.
“Okay. We’ll go for a ride in the morning, after breakfast,” I said, telling myself that it wouldn’t be dangerous at all if I was with her.
She fell asleep quickly after that, but I laid there in the dark for a long time, staring up at the ceiling and trying to resist what my heart was telling me about the woman in bed with me.
* * *
I woke before Belle and slipped out of bed while she was still sleeping. I pulled out clothes for her to wear on our ride. Although spring was around the corner, the chilled air still pinched if one wasn’t properly bundled. I pulled out a sweater, a pair of fleece-lined leggings and some riding boots. As I stared down at her clothing, a wave of memories broke through my dam, and I remembered that Charlotte's horse was the one Belle would be riding, even though Charlotte never liked to ride it. She always opted to ride with me on our trips around the castle grounds. I pushed away the thoughts running through my mind and stole one last look at my Belle before I headed back to my wing.
After breakfast, I led Belle down to the stables, insisting that she hold on to my arm as we trekked through the snow. When we arrived, I saw her wide eyes take everything in. It was a large stable, constructed just a decade ago. Everything was still in great shape, and there was appreciation on her face.
“This is nice,” she said, looking at me. When our eyes met, I felt my heart stutter and shifted my gaze to the horses.
I led her over to Charlotte’s horse and instructed her on how to get acquainted, petting his mane and giving him an apple. Her awestruck face was adorable.
I helped her get up on the saddle, and she nearly fell off. I couldn’t help the chuckle that erupted from my throat as I steadied her. She pouted, and my gaze locked on her luscious pink lips. It made me hard yet pulled at my heartstrings. She was so fucking cute.
Eventually, I got her situated.
Getting on my horse, I talked her through how to direct their motion with a combination of using the reins and squeezing the sides with her legs. She was a quick learner.
We rode across the grounds, with me keeping a close eye on her. The morning air was crisp, chapping her cheeks. But she was smiling.
“So,” she said, breaking the silence with a slight nervousness in her voice. “Ha e you thought about what you’re going to name the kid?”
I shrugged. I hadn’t really considered it. “Maybe Belle if it’s a girl.”
She let out a snort, as if she thought it was a joke, but I was dead serious.
“Why in the world would you name your child after me? The woman you paid to fuck?”
I felt a sharp pain in my gut when she spoke, but I stayed silent. The silence settling over us was uneasy, but I still enjoyed the peacefulness of watching Belle marvel at the surroundings. As we approached the front of the castle, I was taken aback by the sight of the massive black gate swinging open unexpectedly. I brought my horse to a halt, and Belle followed suit after a few more paces. Disembarking from my horse, I handed over the reins to Belle and instructed her to stay put.
The car that drove through the gate belonged to Maxwell, and a sense of unease crept up my spine. He never visited the castle without prior notice. I couldn’t help but worry about the reason behind his sudden appearance, and I was determined to find out why.
Iwatched from my horse as Sebastian approached the car. A man I’d never seen before got out and the two of them stood talking. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but the look on Sebastian’s face sent a shiver down my spine. It was cold. Haunting. I could feel it piercing my soul.
The man handed over a piece of paper and the Sebastian slipped it into the breast pocket of his bomber jacket before heading my way again.
“We’re done with the ride for today,” he said with a firmness in his voice.
We took the horses back to the stable, the leather of the saddles creaking with each step. Sebastian had a dark expression on his face, and I was desperate to know what was causing it. I wanted to ask about the strange man.
But I didn’t want to fight. I was conflicted, but as we boarded up the horses and headed to the house, my curiosity got the better of me.
“Who was that man?” I asked timidly. Sebastian was holding my hand, keeping me steady as we walked through the snow that came up almost to my knee.