Page 48 of Mercilessly Bred
Sebastian released a long, drawn-out sigh through his nose before he answered.
“It was my assistant, Maxwell. He was visiting for an urgent business matter.”
He stopped once we reached the back entrance to the castle, and his gloved hand felt soft against my cheek as he ran a finger down it before kissing my forehead. The gesture was warm; it made my heart swell, and the sweetness was almost overwhelming.
“I have work to do,” he said, stepping away. The air felt colder without him nearby. “Eat, lunch, and rest.”
He looked at me, then shifted his focus to my belly. I didn’t look any different yet, but I could feel the subtle changes in my body, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he would see too.
He vanished up the stairs the moment we entered the castle, and I followed the faint aroma of baking bread to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, the new chef that had been hired just for me was already there, and I caught sight of a perfectly plated meal on the counter. I frowned as I looked down at the tray of food in front of me, the steam rising from the surface. I wasn't pleased when I heard about my new menu. Sebastian was taking no risks with my health or the health of the baby, double-checking every step of the way. My meals were full of lean meats, cooked to perfection with little flavoring, and fresh, cooked vegetables. I was also given fruit, but nothing sweet. Oh, and a side of prenatal vitamins, of course.
I settled down at the kitchen island to have my meal, as going to the dining room alone seemed pointless. As I began eating, my hunger pangs intensified, allowing me to finish the entire meal in under fifteen minutes. The new chef, who was tidying up, noticed that I had eaten everything and signaled me to stay put with a raised finger as he crossed the kitchen to the refrigerator and retrieved a glass dish.
“A rare treat, if you’ll keep it between us,” he said.
My face lit up.
“What is it?”
“Greek yogurt with fresh pureed strawberries mixed in and shaved dark chocolate on top.”
I couldn’t resist the temptation as my mouth watered at the sight of the sweet treat. I grasped it, as my craving for sweets was stronger than ever before. However, Sebastian had become strict about my sugar intake and had even locked away his stash of chocolates, and I had yet to find the key. As I left the kitchen, I strolled through the castle, munching on my yogurt. Although Sebastian wanted me to stay confined to my wing, I indulged in a bit of rebellion, knowing that he was busy with work and unlikely to notice.
Despite my best efforts to resist, I found myself inexplicably drawn to the man, and before I knew it, I was standing outside his office. With the door ajar, I couldn’t help but take a peek inside. There he was, seated at his desk, engrossed in his work. His furrowed brow and pursed lips were evidence of the intense concentration he was giving to the computer screen in front of him. Suddenly, his phone rang and he answered it on speakerphone. I overheard the man on the other end of the line rattling off a series of numbers that he claimed were profits for the last quarter.
I spotted the mysterious piece of paper that his assistant had handed him on the desk, peeking out from under his tablet. It stuck out because most everything else in the room was so dark. Curiosity burned bright within me.
The sound of Sebastian clearing his throat brought my eyes back to him. I was caught.
He pulled out a Bluetooth earpiece and pressed a few buttons on his phone, transferring the call from the speaker into his earpiece. With his eyes pinned to mine, my legs weakened at the sight of him. He always made ribbons of butterflies swarm my belly no matter the circumstances, and this time wasn’t any different. His tongue slithered across his bottom lip as he raised a brow and he silently mouthed for me to go back to my wing.
I knew he wanted me to rest, but I didn’t want to go back there. I hated being constantly confined to those few rooms. I knew I was acting like a brat, but I made a disgruntled face and stuffed more yogurt into my mouth.
As he rose from his chair and approached me, I couldn't help but notice the soft fabric of his pants, which seemed to lack the support of boxers. I worked hard to keep my face composed, yet I'm sure the sudden surge of my desire was still visible. Sebastian seemed to have a sixth sense when it came to my arousal, making me feel exposed and my cheeks flush with embarrassment.
As he approached me, his bulging biceps and wide shoulders created a mountain of muscle that towered over me. Even though his face showed hesitation, he stayed quiet and nodded his head in agreement with the conversation on the phone, occasionally making sounds to express approval. He scratched his chin and looked down. His gaze fell upon the hallway, which he gestured toward. Despite my defiance, with a mouthful of yogurt, I was lifted and carried down the hallway.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked.
He tapped his Bluetooth speaker and glanced down at me.
“Our wing,” he said, then tapped the earpiece again to resume the call.
Our wing.
I mouthed his words, sure they were a mistake. He probably meant to sayyour wing.
Yet, I couldn’t help questioning everything and overthinking it. Why did it have to sound so good when he said it?
He walked right inside my wing and into the bedroom, laying me down on the bed. Pressing the earpiece again, he straightened and levelled me with a firm look. “Stay put until dinner.”
“This is ridiculous. I’m only a little over six weeks pregnant. I have no restrictions according to Google.”
Sebastian raised a single eyebrow, and I knew I’d said something I shouldn’t have.
“And how do you know what Google says? You don’t have a computer or a phone.”
I shrank back and watched him put the pieces together in his head.