Page 12 of Double the Fun
She looks at me and I can tell she’s been crying. Her eyes are a little puffy and her cheeks are red. And she’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
“I know you want an apology…,” She tilts her chin up and waits. But she’s going to be waiting a long ass time. “But I’m not giving you one.”
She lets out a huff and tries to go around me but I just pick her up around the waist and turn with her in my arms. No way am I doing this in my brother’s fucking bedroom. I step out into the hall and run back into Harper and Cade.
“Guys.” I give them a head nod before going down my side of the house and into my room with my woman.
Once inside, I lock the door and then sit her down close enough to the bed that I can push her onto it. She looks at me with a shocked expression on her face.
“You’re my girl.”
She gets a sad look on her face that has me slowing down a little.
v“You don’t even know what you’re saying.”
“Yes, I do.”
“I’m not who you think I am, Colm.” This finally has me pulling up short. There’s not a lot she can say that’s going to change my mind about her but clearly, this is important to her.
“I…I’ve been lying to you. Sort of.”
“Look, if you’re married you can just get a divorce and everything will be just fine after…”
She gives me a tight laugh and stops me, “It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“I’m…I’ve never…” She closes her eyes and turns away from me. I don’t like that at all. I don’t want her to ever turn away from me for any reason. “I was in high school, and I was dating this guy…and everything was…. going well…until he found out…. I hadn’t been with anyone before.” She turns back and flops on the bed. “He dumped me as soon as he found out.”
“Okay. So your high school boyfriend was an idiot. Good to know.”
“No, you don’t understand. I’ve never…um, I haven’t really been with anyone after that.”
“What’s that got to do with us getting naked and making magic?”
“Damn it, Colm. I’m trying to tell you. I’m a virgin.”
“Yeah. I know.”
She looks up at me like I might have just confessed to murder. Not even. She’s looking at me much more flustered than even that.
“You…you know?!” Her voice hits a high note that has me wincing just a little but I would never tell her that, especially not when she’s emotional enough to hit that note. “What the hell do you mean 'you know'?”
“I'm aware you’ve never been with anyone. I’ve known since the night you kissed me. At first, I figured whoever taught you must have been a real dork to not do it right but then there were other things. Little things. Like how you jump when I touch you or how you blush when we were talking about my brother knocking your sister up.”
I step closer to her and brush the back of my hand against her face.
“I realized the second I got a taste of you and you nearly jumped through the roof or when you gave me a blow job last night and were so damned serious about trying to figure out how to do it perfectly. You were good for someone who didn’t know what they were doing. Porn?”She gives me a lopsided smile and a quick nod before her cheeks turn bright pink. I play with the end of her hair to distract myself from actually touching her until after we talk.
“You thought if you told me I would leave.” She nods even though it wasn’t really a question.
“It’s happened before. Not just with that one boy. I just…I wanted to get to know you and then it all happened so fast and before I knew it we were naked and…” She trails off and waves her hands around like she might be searching for the right words.
“And you thought I was going to be like those other boys.” She rolls her lips around her teeth and nods. “But those were boys and real men don’t run.”
She looks at me with doubt in her eyes but that’s alright. I don’t mind showing her, proving to Harley that I am here for the long haul. I just wonder if she understands how long that’s actually going to be. Something tells me my little firecracker hasn't thought that far ahead just yet. I should really take this opportunity to address that but…
“You…you got me fired. What am I supposed to do now?”