Page 76 of Wild Hearts
“ARE WE READY TO TAKEsome photos?” I ask Tarshia with a grin, holding my camera up.
I feel guilty for missing Theo’s baptism, even though Lachy took some photos in the church for me. But Brady was hurting, and I couldn’t leave him. I know things are strained between us, and that it’s my fault, but I still care for him. Despite everything, my feelings for Brady haven’t faded.
“Thank you so much for doing this, Wren,” Tarshia says, her eyes sparkling as she clasps my free hand in both of hers. Her family sorts themselves into position around Jeremy, who’s holding baby Theo, while Ivy stands in front of them playing peek-a-boo. “I know you usually do landscapes, but it really means a lot to me and Jeremy, and when Ivy showed us some of your work... well, you’re just so talented.”
My cheeks heat up. “It’s no problem at all. Have we got everyone you want?”
I glance around, spotting Brady and Lachy over by the back gate to the property that leads down to the ocean. They’re clearly having a heated conversation. Brady shakes his head and storms off through the gate. My stomach drops and I quickly look around for Jordan or Harley, unable to spot either of them.Where the hell are they?
Tarshia’s voice draws me back to the conversation. “No, we’re missing my little brother. Theo’s godfather.” She cranes her head to see if she can spot him. “Oh, here he is. Flynn! Over here. We need you for the photos.”
I look into the viewfinder and fiddle with the lens, trying to get the focus perfect, the whole time my mind is worrying about Brady and wishing I could go after him.
“Wren?” a familiar voice calls from behind me. “Wren Murphy?”
I freeze, transported from a backyard on the coast of Byron Bay to that dark bedroom in a house in Newcastle.
“Oh, shit.” The drunken slur cut through the noise of the party downstairs. Light flooded the dark room. “Sorry, Drew. I had no idea... hey, is she okay?”
A low chuckle sounded from near the door. Drew had moved over there to talk to whoever it was.Move, Wren.But my body refused to cooperate with my brain. My arms remained limp beside me and all I could manage was a small moan.
“She’s fine.” Drew’s tone left no room for any more questions.
“Yeah... of course... sorry, man.” The light slowly faded as Drew shut the door and made his way back to the bed.
I tried again to move, to lift my arms, roll over. I tried to do something, anything. But the heaviness has settled over my body. I can’t move at all.
“Wren.” Ivy’s in front of me, snapping her fingers in my face. “Are you okay?”
I swallow the anxiety bubbling inside of me and slowly turn around.
Flynn Peters is standing five feet away, dressed in tan slacks and a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His sandy brown hair is perfectly styled and he’s smiling, but his eyes portray the shock of seeing me here.He’sTarshia’s brother?
“I thought it was you,” he says nervously, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. A couple of strands fall over his eyes and he pushes them back. “What... what are you doing here?”