Page 77 of Wild Hearts
Speak. I glance over at Ivy, who’s watching the exchange with a strange look on her face. I take a deep breath. “I–”
“You know Flynn?” Tarshia asks, wrapping her arm around the guy’s waist and squeezing him affectionately. Flynn scrunches up his face.
“Different dads,” he mutters once he notices the look of confusion on my face. He turns to Tarshia. “Wren and I went to high school together.”
“Small world!” She laughs and tugs on his arm, manoeuvring him into position between her and Jeremy for the photo. “Come on. Let’s get these photos taken, then you two can catch up.”
I swallow and try to force a smile as my heart pounds so hard it hurts. I lift my camera, thankful to be hiding behind it and take the opportunity to centre myself. “Okay,” I say, praying my voice isn’t shaking. “I need everyone to look here,” I point to the lens on the front of my camera. “And smile.”
I snap a couple of pictures and then check them on the screen. Flynn is rigid and unsmiling, his gaze settled somewhere over my shoulder as if he can’t bring himself to look at me. Anger simmers within me, knowing full well why he can’t stand to look at me, especially after what he did. Or rather, what he didn’t do.
I clear my throat. “Um... Flynn, if you could just loosen up a bit, and smile, that would be great.” My neck heats up at the force it takes for me to keep my voice polite.
“Yeah, sure thing,” he grunts, rolling his shoulders back and plastering a small smile on his face.
I snap a couple more shots and check them. “Great.”
Tarshia’s family drop their poses and scatter around, laughing and joking with each other, but Flynn stays frozen, his eyes still watching me.
“Any other photos you would like?” I direct my question to Tarshia and Jeremy, avoiding Flynn’s burning gaze.
Jeremy searches the backyard. “Lachy, do you know where Brady is? I’d like to get at least one photo with him and Ivy.”
Lachy’s eyes narrow, making me wonder what he and Brady were fighting about earlier. “I think he went for a walk down the beach. I’ll go look for him.”
“I’m going to freshen up my makeup while you get him,” Ivy announces, grabbing my wrist. “Wren, come and help me?”
Without giving me a chance to reply, she drags me off in the direction of the house. She doesn’t let go until we’re shut in Theo’s bathroom.
“Okay...” Ivy steps in front of me, blocking the mirror. “What was all that about?” she asks. “Because the tension between you two was...” Her voice trails off and she pales as she puts two-and-two together. “Oh, shit, you two went to school together. Is he...?”
I shake my head and her body sags in relief.
“Oh, thank God,” she says, placing a hand against her chest. “That would have been an awkward family conversation.” She cocks her head at me. “But you’re still not happy to see him?”
I shake my head again, blinking rapidly to hold back the tears that threaten to spill. Flynn is Drew’s best friend. If he knows I’m here, then he’s going to tell Drew. My safe place is no longer that anymore. My hands start to tremble. I place my camera on the bathroom sink so I don’t drop it, then lean against the wall to steady myself.
“Wren, what’s going on?” Ivy asks, concern coating her voice. “Talk to me. What did Flynn do?”
“Nothing,” I whisper, a tear slipping down my cheek. “He didn’t do anything.”
“I don’t understand?” Her green eyes narrow in confusion.
“Flynn is...” I swallow the bile rising in my throat. “Flynn is D-Drew’s best friend,” I manage to stutter out. “That night, I...” The room suddenly feels like the walls are closing in on me. I suck in a deep breath, trying to get oxygen into my body.
“Shh...” Ivy wraps her arm around my waist, helping me to a seated position on the floor. “It’s okay. You’re okay. Just breathe.”
I focus on her voice, taking a shaky breath in, holding it for five seconds and then releasing it. I do that a couple more times until I feel a sense of control over my body again.
“Flynn was there that night.”
“At the party?” Ivy asks.
I nod. “He came to the door of the bedroom. He spoke to Drew. He saw me on the bed. He did nothing.”
“Shit!” Ivy glances at the door to the bathroom as if nervous that he’s going to be standing there. “Are you sure? I mean, I believe you, I just mean... shit! He’s Tarshia’s brother.”
I clutch her arm, the panic rising up in me again. “You can’t say anything. I don’t want anyone to know. Brady can’t find out. I just want...” I can’t suck in enough oxygen to finish my sentence.