Page 20 of Tutor With Benefits
I don’t know how to take it. I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know what to make about any of this.
“Even if we weren’t there, I can bet anything you weren’t, either, so how do you know about this speech?” Cory asks me. “I thought you weren’t the partying type.”
“I’m not, but my roommate is,” I explain. “And she’s like the only person I’ve been open with about my crush on Johnny, so she knew that I liked him when she went to that party. She was drunk when she got home, and she told me everything. I don’t know if she would have told me that he doesn’t want to be with a virgin if she wasn’t drunk.”
“Probably not,” Zach says. “Doesn’t sound like the kind of thing Anna would do if she was sober. She seems like the kind of girl to think about things like that before she says them. Can’t see her doing it sober.”
“She has?” I ask in surprise. I can’t believe how much I’m learning from these three already. It makes me wonder just how much more there is out there I don’t know about. Maybe I really should make an effort to get out and make some friends.
“Yeah, but we’re not here to talk about her, we’re here to talk about you,” Zach tells me.
“Well, what if he just said that about virgins because he was drunk at the time?” I suggest. “Maybe he doesn’t feel that way at all.”
“He wrote a damn speech,” Taylor says. “Do you really think a drunk guy wrote a whole speech, or do you think that was something he had already written and was going to share at some point, then chose that party to be his audience?”
“Why the fuck would anyone have a speech like that lying around for the sake of it?” I ask.
“Debate class, philosophy, I don’t know,” Taylor says with a shrug. “But you have to admit that it’s not exactly the kind of topic that’s agreed with across the board. I feel like he had it for some assignment he was working on, then felt like it was a good time to share it when he was at that party. I don’t know why you think it’s a thing, shit like that happens all the time.”
“It does.” Zach nods. “You’d know if you went to parties.”
“Saying that doesn’t make me want to go to any, and it kind of makes me glad I haven’t,” I inform them. “Just not my thing.”
“And that’s fine, but since we now know Johnny isn’t into virgins, that makes it that much easier for us to tutor you, right?” Zach asks.
I know the uncertainty shows on my face. Once more a wave of anxiety floods over me, and I’m not sure what to say.
“I’m sorry,” I say. “It’s not like I don’t want to do this, it’s just that I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Taylor says. “It’s normal to be nervous. It would be weird if you weren’t.”
I feel a little better. “So, what does this whole tutoring thing entail for me? I know we’ve gotten the fact I have to lose my virginity out there, but what else? I’d assume there’s more to getting Johnny’s attention than having sex.”
“Oh yes, there’s a lot more to what we’re doing than just having sex,” Zach says, taking over the conversation again. I get the impression he’s largely the speaker of the trio, though the other two are definitely holding their own with their opinions.
“We’re going to go over all aspects of seduction and intimacy,” Taylor says. “You’re going to go out with all of us at different times. We’re going to teach you how to kiss. Of course there’s the sex, but you’re also going to get a makeover.”
“A makeover?” I ask, suddenly tense all over again.
“Look at you,” Zach says as he waves his hand up and down, gesturing to my entire self. “What about you says hot?”
“Wasn’t the look I was going for.”
“That’s the problem,” Zach says. “And that’s what we’re going to change. You have the potential. Definitely the potential. But you’re going to have to quit with all of this.”
I look down at my plain outfit. My clothes fit, but they don’t do much for me. Anna tried more than once to get me to break out of my comfort zone when it comes to how I dress, but I always shot the idea down, telling her I was more focused on getting through school than fashion.
Now, in front of these guys and hearing their assessment of my attire, I feel more self-conscious than ever.
“But we’ll get to that,” Cory says cheerfully. “Now that you know what’s in this for you, I think we should get down to what’s in this for us?”
“Hopefully you’ll grasp the concept of chemistry,” I tell him. “Did you bring your books?”
All three of them produce their chemistry books along with a notebook, and I feel a bit of relief. At least they have that much going for them. For as much as I wanted to believe they weren’t doing this for their own selfish reasons, I couldn’t shake the idea in the back of my mind that they were duping me for sex.
But, if they really brought their books, perhaps this is all really to get their grades up in school after all. I don’t know why they care, but I’m not going to ask them about it, either.
“So what did you guys get from the lesson today?” I ask.